How Do I Get Emission Factors or Inventory Totals for Nonroad Equipment Aggregated by the Various Categories used by MOVES?
We have included a set of post-processing scripts that take the results of a Nonroad run and generate other output options. These scripts are all available in the MOVES graphical user interface in the Post Processing pull-down menu under “Run MySQL Script on Nonroad Output Database”. The options are:
- EmissionFactors_per_hphr_by_Equipment
- EmissionFactors_per_hphr_by_Equipment_and_Horsepower
- EmissionFactors_per_hphr_by_SCC
- EmissionFactors_per_hphr_by_SCC_and_ModelYear
- EmissionFactors_per_OperatingHour_by_Equipment
- EmissionFactors_per_OperatingHour_by_Equipment_and_Horsepower
- EmissionFactors_per_OperatingHour_by_SCC
- EmissionFactors_per_Vehicle_by_Equipment
- EmissionFactors_per_Vehicle_by_Equipment_and_Horsepower
- EmissionFactors_per_Vehicle_by_SCC
- Inventory_by_County_and_Pollutant
- Inventory_by_County_FuelType_Pollutant
- Inventory_by_EquipmentType_Pollutant
- Inventory_by_Equipment_Horsepower_Pollutant
- Inventory_by_Sector_Horsepower_Pollutant
- Inventory_by_Sector_SCC_Pollutant
- Population_by_Sector_and_SCC
A short description of what the script will provide is presented when the script is chosen from the pull-down list.
The output of the MOVES Nonroad model is quite extensive, and it is easily possible to overwhelm the ability of your PC to process the files in a reasonable amount of time. We recommend that you try to make your selections as short as possible to reduce the size of the output to be processed. You should do the processing in steps (parts) by doing a series of MOVES runs that only address small portions of your ultimate results. You might want to experiment to see how long the processing takes on a small sample run before attempting bigger files.