EPA Announces Online Collection of Environmental Justice Resources
The Environmental Justice Clearinghouse will help the public access tools and resources as part of President Biden’s ambitious environmental justice agenda
WASHINGTON — Today, April 23, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the Environmental Justice Clearinghouse, a first-of-its-kind online collection of resources related to environmental justice. Directed by President Biden’s Executive Order on Revitalizing Our Nation's Commitment to Environmental Justice for All, the Environmental Justice Clearinghouse will help the public access federal and non-federal resources online as part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s ambitious environmental justice agenda.
“Delivering on the Biden-Harris Administration’s ambitious environmental justice agenda requires shared dedication to building strong relationships and solution-oriented programs. The Environmental Justice Clearinghouse is a transformative resource guide built to help us accomplish our agency-wide environmental justice goals,” Theresa Segovia, Principal Deputy Assistant Director for The Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights. “Having an online, easily accessible library of information will ensure that resources from across the country are at the fingertips of all environmental justice stakeholders and advocates. And it will only be made stronger with suggestions from the American people.”
EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights will continue to add information to the clearinghouse on a rolling basis and welcomes input and any submissions from the public for review and potential inclusion.
The preliminary resources listed on the Environmental Justice Clearinghouse were submitted by agencies from across the federal government, including funding opportunities, screening and mapping tools, and technical assistance. The Environmental Justice Clearinghouse features searchable categories to simplify results for the public to ensure a more efficient and accessible process for accessing information related to environmental justice.
“President Biden tasked the entire federal government with breaking down barriers to resources and information that help communities pursue environmental justice. EPA’s Environmental Justice Clearinghouse will be a helpful online tool that compiles multiple sources of information so that everyone interested in environmental justice will be able to find resources on one website,” said Dr. Jalonne L. White-Newsome, Federal Chief Environmental Justice Officer for the White House Council on Environmental Quality.
Visit EPA’s website to view the Environmental Justice Clearinghouse or submit a potential resource.
On April 21, 2023, President Biden signed Executive Order 14906 Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All, which included the establishment of the Environmental Justice Clearinghouse to be a public, internet-based, whole-of-government clearinghouse composed of culturally and linguistically appropriate and accessible materials related to environmental justice including:
- Information describing the activities of the members of the White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council to address issues relating to environmental justice.
- Information on technical assistance, tools, and resources to assist communities with environmental justice concerns in building capacity for public participation.
- Copies of training materials developed by the White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council or its members to help individuals and employees understand and carry out environmental justice activities.
- Any other information deemed appropriate by the EPA Administrator, in coordination with the White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council.
Learn more about environmental justice at EPA.
Read about the White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council and the Biden-Harris Administration’s whole-of-government commitment to environmental justice.
For up-to-date information about Environmental Justice funding opportunities, events, and webinars, subscribe to the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights’ listserv by sending a blank email to: [email protected]. Follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @EPAEnvJustice.