EPA Announces Public Listening Session on the Draft Strategy to Reduce Lead Exposures and Disparities in U.S. Communities
NEW YORK – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a series of upcoming public listening sessions on the Draft Strategy to Reduce Lead Exposures and Disparities in U.S. Communities (Lead Strategy), so communities and stakeholders can provide their comments on the Agency’s plan. Ongoing exposures to lead in the environment present a health risk to too many people nationwide. Very low levels of lead in children’s blood have been linked to adverse effects on intellect, concentration, and academic achievement. The draft Lead Strategy lays out approaches to strengthen public health protections, address legacy lead contamination for communities with the greatest exposures and promote environmental justice.
“Underserved and overburdened communities are often disproportionately exposed to lead, which can cause life-long negative effects,” said Carlton Waterhouse, EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Land and Emergency Management. “Today, we are inviting all communities exposed to lead and other stakeholders to share their perspectives so that EPA can ensure that our Draft Strategy to Reduce Lead Exposures and Disparities in U.S. Communities is as comprehensive as possible.”
“EPA wants to hear from communities and stakeholders as we continue developing our draft Lead strategy,” said Regional Administrator Lisa F. Garcia. "We know that overburdened populations are often disproportionately impacted by adverse health impacts from exposure to lead. To help address these health disparities we need engagement at all levels. EPA’s new draft Lead Strategy will also include actions to address lead in water due to the increased funding from the recently signed Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.”
Virtual public listening sessions will be held in all 10 of EPA’s geographic offices. EPA Region 2 will hold a listening session on Feb 10, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. (EST). Registration will be required to attend the event. Registration will be required to attend the event. Interpretation and disability access support will be provided. Registration links to each regional listening session can be found on EPA’s website at: https://www.epa.gov/lead/draft-strategy-reduce-lead-exposures-and-disparities-us-communities.
During this event, registered members of the public will have an opportunity to share their comments on EPA’s draft Lead Strategy with EPA senior officials and managers. Those interested in speaking may sign up for a 3-minute speaking slot at the time of registration.
Members of the public who are unable to attend this event are encouraged to attend any of the 10 listening sessions or to submit comments via the docket at: http://www.regulations.gov, Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OLEM-2021-0762 until March 16, 2022.
For details on the draft Lead Strategy, the virtual listening sessions, or how to provide public comment, please visit: https://www.epa.gov/lead/draft-strategy-reduce-lead-exposures-and-disparities-us-communities.
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