EPA to Host Question and Answer Sessions on Proposed Addition of Paden City Groundwater Site to Superfund National Priorities List
PHILADELPHIA (Oct. 14, 2021) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will host conference calls on Tuesday, Oct. 19, and Wednesday Oct.20, from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., each night to provide an opportunity for the public to ask questions about the recently proposed listing of the Paden City Groundwater Site in Tyler and Wetzel Counties, West Virginia, to the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL). The NPL is EPA’s list of hazardous waste sites in the United States eligible for investigation and potential cleanup financed under the federal Superfund program.
These sessions are “open house” Q&A sessions for the Paden City community to have their questions answered by EPA staff.
Tuesday, Oct. 19: 6:00 - 7:00PM Phone number: (484) 352-3221Conference ID: 344007888#
Wednesday, Oct. 20: 6:00 - 7:00PM Phone number: (484) 352-3221 Conference ID: 697976832#
Questions can be submitted in advance by emailing them to: [email protected]
Prior to the conference call, it is recommended that callers watch a recorded presentation about the proposal, which can viewed at: https://www.epa.gov/superfund/padencitygroundwater (Video link middle of the page).
When EPA proposes to add a site to the NPL, the agency publishes the proposed rule in the Federal Register and notifies the public through the local media so interested members of the community can comment on the proposal.
During the 60-day comment period from Sept. 9 – Nov. 8, the public can comment on the listing of the Paden City Groundwater Site. EPA will consider those comments in the final decision to list the site on the NPL.
Comments can be submitted in one of two ways:
Online: http://www.regulations.gov
Search for “EPA-HQ-OLEM-2021-0467”
Mail: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Docket Center
Docket # EPA-HQ-OLEM-2021-0467
Mailcode 28221T
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW Washington, DC 20460
Once EPA reviews the public comments, EPA will make a final determination on whether the site should be placed on the NPL and publish a final rule in the Federal Register. If the listing is finalized, EPA will conduct a comprehensive investigation called a Remedial Investigation to determine the nature and extent of contamination and then examine potential remedies.
The state of West Virginia referred the site to EPA to assist in characterizing the extent and impact of the groundwater contamination. Paden City and the state of West Virginia support future investigation and NPL listing.
The site consists of co-mingled groundwater plumes containing hazardous substances. The groundwater and soils are contaminated with the solvent tetrachloroethylene (commonly referred as perchloroethylene or PCE) and its breakdown products which are commonly used in commercial and industrial operations such as dry cleaning. A former dry cleaner may have contributed to the groundwater and soil contamination.
In 2020, EPA began investigating the groundwater contamination to determine if hazardous substances are present and pose a threat to human health and the environment. EPA collected water, soil, and air samples. The investigation concluded that the site poses a risk and qualifies for long-term cleanup under Superfund. In concurrence with the state of West Virginia, EPA is proposing the site to the National Priorities List.
More information on the public comment process of listing sites can be found here.