EPA Proposes Cleanup Plan to Address Groundwater Contamination in the Townships of Cinnaminson and Delran, Burlington County, New Jersey
New York – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing a cleanup plan to address groundwater contamination in Cinnaminson and Delran. This proposal includes groundwater remediation using pump, treat, and discharge methods that will capture groundwater contamination that can pose serious health risks. Long-term monitoring of the groundwater in addition to other protective measures will be conducted.
“EPA is working with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the Townships of Cinnaminson and Delran to ensure proper treatment of these organic compounds in the groundwater,” said EPA Regional Administrator Pete Lopez. “EPA has protected local residents by selecting remedies that call for installation of vapor recovery systems at impacted properties, a groundwater pump and treatment system and landfill caps and will continue its important work of protecting human health and the environment.”
Because of the nature and complexity of the contamination at the Cinnaminson Groundwater Contamination Superfund Site, the investigations and cleanup of the site have been conducted in four Operable Units (OUs). This proposed plan focuses on Operable Unit 4 which addresses groundwater contamination outside of areas already under remediation or investigation as part of OUs 1, 2, and 3. The SLI Landfills, Messer LLC (formerly Linde LLC and BOC Gases) and Detrex Corporation properties are the primary identified sources of the groundwater contamination.
Under the proposed cleanup plan announced today, EPA is proposing to target highly concentrated portions of the contaminated groundwater near the source areas by using a pump and treat remedy. EPA will implement institutional controls such as restricting the use of groundwater from the site and long-term monitoring to prevent and reduce human exposure to contaminated groundwater until the cleanup goals are met. Furthermore, EPA is requiring periodic collection and analysis of groundwater samples to verify that the level and extent of contaminants are declining.
In 2009, EPA began investigating whether vapors from the groundwater contamination in the area were getting into nearby homes. Approximately 60 properties were sampled and several mitigation systems to vent the contaminated vapors were required. These systems have been installed or are currently scheduled to be installed. This vapor intrusion investigation and mitigation continues under OU3.
A 30-day public comment period for the proposed plan will occur from September 17 to October 16. EPA will host a Virtual Public Meeting on October 1 at 6:00 p.m. To register for the public meeting, visit https://cinnaminson-superfund.eventbrite.com.To learn more about the public meeting, visit www.epa.gov/superfund/cinnaminson or contact Natalie Loney at [email protected] or (212) 637-3639.
Written comments on EPA’s proposed plan may be mailed or emailed to Alida Karas, Remedial Project Manager, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 290 Broadway, 19th Floor, New York, New York 10007-1866 or [email protected]. Comments postmarked on or before October 16th, will be accepted.
EPA’s proposed plan for the site will be made available at www.epa.gov/superfund/cinnaminson.
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