EPA Selects Six Organizations to Receive $11 Million in Funding to Deliver Training and Technical Assistance to Brownfield-Impacted Communities Nationwide
SAN FRANCISCO (April 19, 2021) — Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the selection of six organizations to receive a total of $11 million in grants to provide training and technical assistance to communities across the country under the Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program.
Much of the technical assistance will be provided to communities in underserved and economically disadvantaged neighborhoods - places where environmental cleanup and new jobs are most needed. This assistance is available to all stakeholders and comes at no cost to communities. It is an important part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to advance economic opportunities and address environmental justice issues in disadvantaged communities.
“A primary goal of our Brownfields technical assistance program is to help communities transform environmental liabilities into community assets,” said Barry N. Breen, Acting Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Land and Emergency Management.“ Today’s selected grant recipients will serve as independent resources for communities facing the challenges of assessing, cleaning up, and preparing brownfield sites for redevelopment.”
Today’s selected grant recipients are:
- The University of Connecticut -- will provide assistance in EPA’s Region 1.
- The New Jersey Institute of Technology -- will provide assistance in EPA’s Region 2.
- The West Virginia University Research Corporation -- will provide assistance in EPA’s Region 3.
- The International City/County Management Association -- will provide assistance in EPA’s Region 4.
- The Kansas State University -- will provide assistance in EPA’s Regions 5-8. The university will also coordinate with the other selected recipients on nationally led efforts and tools.
- The Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR) – will provide assistance in EPA’s Regions 9 and 10.
“CCLR has deep roots in the Western United States, where we've assisted communities with land revitalization projects for over 20 years,” said Jean Hamerman, The Center for Creative Land Recycling’s Acting Executive Director. “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to redouble our efforts as EPA Region 9 and Region 10’s Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities provider and support equitable and resilient transformation through brownfields redevelopment.”
The Brownfields TAB Program helps communities, states, tribes and others understand the human health and environmental risks associated with contaminated or potentially contaminated properties, and learn how to assess, safely clean up and sustainably reuse them. For example, the training and research to be delivered by the selected TAB providers will assist communities in:
- Identifying and prioritizing brownfields for redevelopment.
- Determining the potential public health impact of brownfield sites.
- Identifying appropriate funding/financing approaches.
- Applying for and managing EPA brownfields grants.
- Evaluating economic feasibility of reuse plans.
- Interpreting technical brownfield reports, assessments, and plans.
- Understanding and navigate regulatory requirements.
This Technical Assistance for Brownfields grant is a competitive grant awarded every five years; providing up to $200,000 per year over the course of five years.
More information on the TAB program: https://www.epa.gov/brownfields/brownfields-technical-assistance.
More information on EPA’s Brownfields program: http://www.epa.gov/brownfields.
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