EPA Settlement with Concrete and Stone Producer Resolves Clean Air Violations in N. Attleborough, Mass.
NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH, MASS. – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reached a settlement with Boro Sand and Stone Corp., a Massachusetts concrete and stone producer that EPA cited for violations of two federal Clean Air Act regulations at its facility in North Attleborough.
EPA alleged that Boro failed to comply with federal Clean Air Act (CAA) regulations at two of the facility’s rock crushers that used diesel engines to generate electricity to power the crushers.
In November 2019, Boro shut down both rock crushers and stopped using the diesel generators after receiving a notice from EPA regarding its CAA violations. Boro has since invested in a new utility line to supply electric grid power to its rock crushing operations instead. Boro also conducted the required visible emissions testing of its rock crushing equipment.
Boro’s actions reduced emissions of carbon monoxide, hazardous air pollutants, and particulates (dust and grit) at the facility. Under the case settlement filed at the end of Jan. 2020 Boro agreed to pay a total penalty of $90,300 for its CAA violations. Boro was cooperative throughout EPA’s enforcement investigation and in settlement negotiations.
The three diesel generators previously operating at Boro’s facility were subject to federal National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (RICE). Boro’s rock crushing equipment at the facility’s recycle plant operations is subject to federal New Source Performance Standards for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants.
Businesses that use stationary diesel engines to generate electric power should verify that their engines comply with relevant Clean Air Act regulations, particularly if the engines are greater than 300 horsepower. EPA New England’s enforcement office continues to find diesel generators that are out of compliance – sometimes even when the generators are being serviced under long-term contracts with engine manufacturers.
More information:
- Clean Air Act regulation of stationary engines: https://www.epa.gov/stationary-engines. This site contains basic information, compliance requirements, and compliance assistance tools.
- Links to other recent EPA settlements involving stationary diesel engines: https://archive.epa.gov/epa/newsreleases/settlement-amherst-mass-company-reduces-emissions-air.html and https://archive.epa.gov/epa/newsreleases/sand-and-gravel-company-central-mass-reduce-emissions-under-settlement-epa.html