EPA to take comments on proposed cleanup plan for Olin Corp. facility in East Alton, Illinois
60-day public comment period begins May 26
CHICAGO (May 26, 2021) -- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced a 60-day public comment period on Olin Corp’s proposed plan to sample and clean up contaminated soil and groundwater at its facility in East Alton, Illinois. EPA issued a Statement of Basis under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act which proposes methods for the company to clean up the property. As part of the proposal the agency will also impose legal restrictions to prevent the use of groundwater on the property for drinking.
Olin must clean up the contamination caused by its improper disposal of scrap, clay shooting targets, residues from explosives and other waste at the property. The company must also address stockpiled ballistics sand that may be contaminated with lead and other metals.
EPA will review public comments before approving a final cleanup plan for the facility. The agency may modify the proposed remedy, or select another remedy based on any new information or public comments.
The proposed cleanup plan outlines specific actions which include:
- Removing the top foot of contaminated soil, and installing a cap made of a low-permeability material to prevent future exposure to contamination
- Removing contaminated sediment from two stormwater collection ponds and disposing of it in an off-site landfill
- Continuing to operate a skimmer system to collect accumulated oil and pump it into a container for off-site disposal
- Monitoring groundwater for at least one year following the cleanup to ensure conditions are stable at the facility
EPA’s Statement of Basis, a legal document that explains cleanup requirements, also proposes an Environmental Covenant to govern long-term care of the site following the cleanup. Olin is required to provide ongoing maintenance and to annually certify its compliance.
Comments on the cleanup plan will be accepted from May 26 to July 25. The Statement of Basis is available for review online at:
East Alton Public Library District
250 Washington Ave
East Alton, IL 62024
U.S. EPA Record Center - 7th Floor
77 W. Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60604
Questions about the cleanup plan can be directed to Zack Sasnow ([email protected]), U.S. EPA Project Manager or 312-886-0258
Comments can be submitted to:
- www.epa.gov/hwcorrectiveactionsites/hazardous-waste-cleanup-olin-corporation-east-alton-illinois
- Confidential Voicemail: 312-886-6595
- E-mail: Ruth Muhtsun ([email protected])
- Postal Mail: Ruth Muhtsun, U.S. EPA Region 5, 77 W. Jackson Blvd., RE-19J, Chicago, IL 60604
Public input is important. Anyone who is unable to access the Statement of Basis or other difficulty submitting a comment can contact Ruth Muhtsun ([email protected]) or 312-886-6595.