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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
EPA Pacific Southwest Region Announces New Toxics Release Inventory, Covering Expanded Sectors and Chemicals
EPA News Release: EPA Pacific Southwest Region Announces New Toxics Release Inventory, Covering Expanded Sectors and Chemicals
- Release Date:
EPA Investing Over $43 Million in New Funding to Protect and Restore San Francisco Bay and Its Watersheds
EPA will also open a new San Francisco Bay program office later this year
EPA News Release: EPA Investing Over $43 Million in New Funding to Protect and Restore San Francisco Bay and Its Watersheds
- Release Date:
EPA Awards Over $650,000 for Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians Recycling Project
Grant funded in part by the largest recycling investment in 30 years
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Over $650,000 for Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians Recycling Project
- Release Date:
EPA Selects UC Berkeley, State of California, Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians for Grants Funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Pollution Prevention Grants Focus on Promoting Safer Products, Helping Businesses in Underserved Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Selects UC Berkeley, State of California, Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians for Grants Funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
- Release Date: