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Displaying 1 - 15 of 194 results
EPA Announces $300,000 in Funding to Three Small Businesses in Texas and Oklahoma for the Development of Environmental Technologies
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is announcing $300,000 in grant funding for three small businesses to develop technologies to address public health and environmental challenges.
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EPA and Navajo Nation Select Cleanup Plan to Remove Waste at Quivira Mines Site
EPA News Release: EPA and Navajo Nation Select Cleanup Plan to Remove Waste at Quivira Mines Site
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $32 Million in Oklahoma Through Investing in America Agenda
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced $32,943,000 for the state of Oklahoma under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to upgrade water infrastructure and keep communities safe.
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EPA, Hopi Tribe, federal partners reach milestone on safe drinking water, conclude Administrative Orders
EPA News Release: EPA, Hopi Tribe, federal partners reach milestone on safe drinking water, conclude Administrative Orders
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EPA Emergency Order Compels Havasu Water Company to Act to Protect Public Health, Ensure Safe Drinking Water
Action follows repeated water outages at Southern California company
EPA News Release: EPA Emergency Order Compels Havasu Water Company to Act to Protect Public Health, Ensure Safe Drinking Water
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EPA to recognize $7.7 million grant to The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction measures
EPA News Release: EPA to recognize $7.7 million grant to The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction measures
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EPA Acting Deputy Administrator Nishida and National Tribal Caucus Chair Wagner Co-Chair 2024 National Tribal Operations Committee Meeting
EPA News Release: EPA Acting Deputy Administrator Nishida and National Tribal Caucus Chair Wagner Co-Chair 2024 National Tribal Operations Committee Meeting
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EPA, White Mountain Apache Agree to Improve Wastewater Treatment on Tribal Land
EPA News Release: EPA, White Mountain Apache Agree to Improve Wastewater Treatment on Tribal Land
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EPA Decides on Cleanup Plans for Seven Abandoned Uranium Mine Sites in Navajo Nation
EPA News Release: EPA Decides on Cleanup Plans for Seven Abandoned Uranium Mine Sites in Navajo Nation
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EPA Recognizes Oklahoma City for Supporting Watersense Program
Public and private sector partners are honored for helping to save nearly 1.2 trillion gallons of water in 2023 with WaterSense
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency presented 51 awards to water utilities, government agencies, manufacturers, retailers, builders, and other organizations at the WaterSmart Innovations (WSI) conference in Las Vegas.
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EPA’s Office of Research and Development Announces Research Partnership and MOU Signing with Chickasaw Nation Tribe
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Chickasaw Nation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish a framework for technical cooperation and coordination related to the sustainable management of water, land, and air resources.
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces over $1.3 Million to Fort Independence Indian Community to Cut Climate Pollution, Accelerate Clean Energy Transition
Funded by the Administration’s Investing in America Agenda, the EPA selected 34 Tribal and territory applications through the competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces over $1.3 Million to Fort Independence Indian Community to Cut Climate Pollution, Accelerate Clean Energy Transition
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $11 Million to Blue Lake Rancheria to Cut Climate Pollution
Funded by the Administration’s Investing in America Agenda, the EPA selected 34 Tribal and territory applications through the competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $11 Million to Blue Lake Rancheria to Cut Climate Pollution
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La administración Biden-Harris anuncia 300 millones de dólares en subvenciones a naciones tribales y un territorio de EE. UU. para reducir la contaminación climática y acelerar la transición a la energía limpia
Financiada por la agenda Invertir en Estados Unidos del presidente Biden, la EPA anuncia 34 solicitudes tribales y territoriales seleccionadas a través del competitivo programa de Subvenciones para la Reducción de la Contaminación Climática
EPA News Release: La administración Biden-Harris anuncia 300 millones de dólares en subvenciones a naciones tribales y un territorio de EE. UU. para reducir la contaminación climática y acelerar la transición a la energía limpia
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $5 Million to Lower Sioux Indian Community in Minnesota to Cut Climate Pollution and Accelerate Clean Energy Transition
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces 34 selected Tribal and territory applications through the competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $5 Million to Lower Sioux Indian Community in Minnesota to Cut Climate Pollution and Accelerate Clean Energy Transition
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