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Displaying 31 - 45 of 145 results
EPA penalizes Oregon lumber company nearly $50,000 for Clean Water Act violations
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Oregon lumber company nearly $50,000 for Clean Water Act violations
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EPA penalizes American Seafoods Company almost $1M for Clean Water Act violations off Oregon, Washington coasts
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes American Seafoods Company almost $1M for Clean Water Act violations off Oregon, Washington coasts
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $16 Million WIFIA Loan for Water System Reliability in Oregon
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $16 Million WIFIA Loan for Water System Reliability in Oregon
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EPA announces $4.6b in pollution reduction grants for Pacific Northwest, Alaska
EPA News Release: EPA announces $4.6b in pollution reduction grants for Pacific Northwest, Alaska
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EPA announces 3 Pollution Prevention Award winners in Pacific Northwest
EPA News Release: EPA announces 3 Pollution Prevention Award winners in Pacific Northwest
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EPA awards Portland State University over $640,000 for research
EPA News Release: EPA awards Portland State University over $640,000 for research
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EPA Cracks Down on Companies in California, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington State for Selling Illegal Auto Parts that Avoid Pollution Controls
EPA News Release: EPA Cracks Down on Companies in California, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington State for Selling Illegal Auto Parts that Avoid Pollution Controls
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DEQ and EPA lead cleanup of wood preservative release in Sheridan
EPA News Release: DEQ and EPA lead cleanup of wood preservative release in Sheridan
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $4.5 million in Grants for Region 6 States to Upgrade Stormwater and Sewer Infrastructure
Under President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA program to offer grant assistance at no cost to small and financially distressed communities
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of approximately $50 million in grants through the Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grant Program.
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EPA penalizes Oregon company over $148,000 for installing ‘defeat devices’
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Oregon company over $148,000 for installing ‘defeat devices’
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City of Sandy must pay $500,000 in penalties, limit sewer hookups under new agreement with EPA, USDOJ, DEQ
EPA News Release: City of Sandy must pay $500,000 in penalties, limit sewer hookups under new agreement with EPA, USDOJ, DEQ
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EPA and DEQ Invite Eugene Community to Attend July 12 Public Meeting to Discuss JH Baxter Facility Cleanup and Investigation
EPA News Release: EPA and DEQ Invite Eugene Community to Attend July 12 Public Meeting to Discuss JH Baxter Facility Cleanup and Investigation
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EPA selects 7 Oregon projects for $8 million in brownfields funding
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA selects 7 Oregon projects for $8 million in brownfields funding
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The EPA Region 6 Announces a Total of $23 Million to Organizations to Advance Environmental Justice
The EPA’s Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers include a network of over 160 partners to provide resources to unlock access to President Biden’s historic investments in America
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice will receive $15,000,000 and the New Mexico State University will receive $10,000,000 to help communities across Region 6.
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EPA names Bend company 2023 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year
EPA News Release: EPA names Bend company 2023 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year
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