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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
EPA Awards over $225,000 to Advance Environmental Justice in Arizona
EPA News Release: EPA Awards over $225,000 to Advance Environmental Justice in Arizona
- Release Date:
EPA Directs Carson City Public Works to Improve Pretreatment Program and Protect Carson River
EPA News Release: EPA Directs Carson City Public Works to Improve Pretreatment Program and Protect Carson River
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $79 Million Investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Protect and Restore the Columbia River Basin
Up to $6.9 million in Clean Water Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding will be awarded to reduce toxics in fish and water, address climate impacts in communities throughout the Basin
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $79 Million Investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Protect and Restore the Columbia River Basin
- Release Date:
EPA, USDA Partner to Bolster Wastewater Infrastructure for San Carlos Apache Tribe, 10 Other U.S. Communities
Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding Will Help Address Lack of Basic Wastewater Infrastructure in Rural America
EPA News Release: EPA, USDA Partner to Bolster Wastewater Infrastructure for San Carlos Apache Tribe, 10 Other U.S. Communities
- Release Date: