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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 results
EPA Announces $150 Million to Fund Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants for Alaska Native Villages
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $150 Million to Fund Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants for Alaska Native Villages
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EPA announces $882,806 for environmental justice projects in Alaska
EPA News Release: EPA announces $882,806 for environmental justice projects in Alaska
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EPA Announces $12.5 Million in funding for Environmental Justice Grants Program in the Gulf of Mexico
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $12.5 Million in funding for Environmental Justice Grants Program in the Gulf of Mexico
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EPA Region 10 Announces Virtual Listening Session on PFAS Strategic Roadmap
EPA News Release: EPA Region 10 Announces Virtual Listening Session on PFAS Strategic Roadmap
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EPA selects Alaska Forum and Zender Environmental Health and Research Group for $1 million in Brownfield Environmental Job Training Grants
EPA News Release: EPA selects Alaska Forum and Zender Environmental Health and Research Group for $1 million in Brownfield Environmental Job Training Grants
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Community Air Pollution Monitoring Projects in Alaska to Receive $1.3 million in EPA Funding
EPA News Release: Community Air Pollution Monitoring Projects in Alaska to Receive $1.3 million in EPA Funding
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EPA Awards $750,000 Pollution Prevention Grants to Oregon, Idaho and the Knik Tribal Council, Funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $750,000 Pollution Prevention Grants to Oregon, Idaho and the Knik Tribal Council, Funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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EPA awards Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium $184,000 to test for lead in drinking water at schools, childcare centers
EPA News Release: EPA awards Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium $184,000 to test for lead in drinking water at schools, childcare centers
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Kawerak earns federal grant for hazardous waste ‘backhaul’ efforts in rural Alaska
EPA News Release: Kawerak earns federal grant for hazardous waste ‘backhaul’ efforts in rural Alaska
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EPA Announces Availability of Up to $6 Million in Environmental Justice Grants
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Availability of Up to $6 Million in Environmental Justice Grants
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EPA: Beware of lead dangers at home
Lead-based paint still poses risks to kids – rules and tips help reduce risk
EPA News Release: EPA: Beware of lead dangers at home
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EPA, BP settle hazardous waste violations at North Slope
BP failed to maintain adequate insurance to protect third parties against damages from hazardous waste
EPA News Release: EPA, BP settle hazardous waste violations at North Slope
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EPA awards environmental justice grants to communities and tribes in Alaska, Oregon and Washington
Funding aims to empower underserved communities working on solutions to local environmental and public health issues
EPA News Release: EPA awards environmental justice grants to communities and tribes in Alaska, Oregon and Washington
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