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Displaying 136 - 150 of 205 results
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Awarded Honorable Mention in EPA’s 9th-Annual Campus RainWorks Challenge
EPA News Release: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Awarded Honorable Mention in EPA’s 9th-Annual Campus RainWorks Challenge
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EPA Announces $400,000 in Funding to Small Businesses in Alaska and Washington to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $400,000 in Funding to Small Businesses in Alaska and Washington to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
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EPA Announces 2020 ENERGY STAR® Certified Manufacturing Plants in Tennessee
EPA News Release: EPA Announces 2020 ENERGY STAR® Certified Manufacturing Plants in Tennessee
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North Star Paving & Construction pays $130,000 penalty for Safe Drinking Water Act violations in Soldotna, Alaska
EPA News Release: North Star Paving & Construction pays $130,000 penalty for Safe Drinking Water Act violations in Soldotna, Alaska
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EPA Announces Availability of Up to $6 Million in Environmental Justice Grants
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Availability of Up to $6 Million in Environmental Justice Grants
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Major chemical distributor to pay fine, correct violations under settlement with U.S. EPA
Brenntag Pacific, Inc. had violated Toxic Substances Control Act
EPA News Release: Major chemical distributor to pay fine, correct violations under settlement with U.S. EPA
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EPA challenge seeks innovative solutions for reducing indoor air pollution from western wildfires
EPA News Release: EPA challenge seeks innovative solutions for reducing indoor air pollution from western wildfires
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EPA offers $120,000 in grant funds to support healthy, resilient, and sustainable communities in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA offers $120,000 in grant funds to support healthy, resilient, and sustainable communities in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
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EPA settles with Anchorage military base for hazardous waste violations
Action prompts resumption of recycling “mountains” of expended small arms brass cartridges
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Anchorage military base for hazardous waste violations
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U.S. EPA Invites Nashville’s Metro Water Services to Apply for a Total of $129 Million in Water Infrastructure Loans
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Invites Nashville’s Metro Water Services to Apply for a Total of $129 Million in Water Infrastructure Loans
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EPA enforcement cases in PNW & Alaska finalized in September & October 2020
EPA News Release: EPA enforcement cases in PNW & Alaska finalized in September & October 2020
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EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW & Alaska finalized in July and August 2020
EPA News Release: EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW & Alaska finalized in July and August 2020
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Crowley Fuels pays over $1 million for environmental, public safety violations in Alaska
EPA News Release: Crowley Fuels pays over $1 million for environmental, public safety violations in Alaska
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EPA Awards Cooperative Agreement to Support the National Tribal Toxics Council, Zender Environmental
Five-year grant to Zender Environmental Health and Research Group will assist NTTC’s work with tribes to develop pollution prevention and chemical risk management programs
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Cooperative Agreement to Support the National Tribal Toxics Council, Zender Environmental
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State of Alaska and Fairbanks North Star Borough receive $14.7 Million EPA grant to improve air quality
EPA News Release: State of Alaska and Fairbanks North Star Borough receive $14.7 Million EPA grant to improve air quality
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