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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
U.S. EPA awards nearly $200,000 to Kern County for job training tied to revitalization work
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA awards nearly $200,000 to Kern County for job training tied to revitalization work
- Release Date:
Under Agreement with EPA, US Forest Service Closes 77 Pollution Causing Cesspools
Cesspool Closures in Arizona and California to Increase Healthy Watersheds Across Landscapes
EPA News Release: Under Agreement with EPA, US Forest Service Closes 77 Pollution Causing Cesspools
- Release Date:
EPA settlement with Hess Corporation for Clean Water Act violations at North Dakota gas plant
Company agrees to penalty associated with inadequate spill prevention and response plans at Tioga facility
EPA News Release: EPA settlement with Hess Corporation for Clean Water Act violations at North Dakota gas plant
- Release Date:
Major chemical distributor to pay fine, correct violations under settlement with U.S. EPA
Brenntag Pacific, Inc. had violated Toxic Substances Control Act
EPA News Release: Major chemical distributor to pay fine, correct violations under settlement with U.S. EPA
- Release Date: