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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results
EPA fines Best Buy for selling unregistered and misbranded disinfectant wipes from its Union City, Calif. store
EPA News Release: EPA fines Best Buy for selling unregistered and misbranded disinfectant wipes from its Union City, Calif. store
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EPA Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Recycle City Educational Initiative
Online games provide teachers and students with environmental learning resources
EPA News Release: EPA Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Recycle City Educational Initiative
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EPA Awards $100,000 to UC Berkeley for creating technology to remove high levels of arsenic from groundwater
Close to $300,000 awarded nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $100,000 to UC Berkeley for creating technology to remove high levels of arsenic from groundwater
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U.S. EPA Fines BC Systems for Violating Chemical Accident Prevention Requirements at Arizona and California Facilities
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Fines BC Systems for Violating Chemical Accident Prevention Requirements at Arizona and California Facilities
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EPA Announces $85 Million Loan to San Mateo, California to Improve Wastewater Management
Nationally, 41 WIFIA loans are helping finance more than $16.8 billion in water infrastructure projects
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $85 Million Loan to San Mateo, California to Improve Wastewater Management
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EPA concludes hazardous waste cleanups in California after wildfires
Agency’s work was first element in two-phase recovery process for burned properties
EPA News Release: EPA concludes hazardous waste cleanups in California after wildfires
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Oxnard, Calif., Company to Pay $390,000 Fine for Illegally Discharging Wastewater
Parker-Hannifin will also upgrade equipment to better protect coastal waters
EPA News Release: Oxnard, Calif., Company to Pay $390,000 Fine for Illegally Discharging Wastewater
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EPA settles with Qantas Airways for importing unregistered disinfectant products in Honolulu and Los Angeles
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Qantas Airways for importing unregistered disinfectant products in Honolulu and Los Angeles
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