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Displaying 1 - 15 of 53 results
La EPA anuncia $14.1 millones para financiar 133 subvenciones de justicia ambiental
Las comunidades de Puerto Rico se verán beneficiadas
EPA News Release: La EPA anuncia $14.1 millones para financiar 133 subvenciones de justicia ambiental
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $14.1 Million to Fund 133 Environmental Justice Grants
Puerto Rico Communities will Benefit
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $14.1 Million to Fund 133 Environmental Justice Grants
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La EPA anuncia planes para usar los primeros mil millones de dólares de los fondos de la Ley Bipartidista de Infraestructura para acelerar la lista de espera Superfondo
Las comunidades de Puerto Rico se verán beneficiadas
EPA News Release: La EPA anuncia planes para usar los primeros mil millones de dólares de los fondos de la Ley Bipartidista de Infraestructura para acelerar la lista de espera Superfondo
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EPA Announces Plans to Use First $1B from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funds to Clear Out the Superfund Backlog
Puerto Rico Communities will Benefit
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Plans to Use First $1B from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funds to Clear Out the Superfund Backlog
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Colorado and Utah small businesses receiving up to $100,000 each to develop environmental technologies
EPA awarding over $3 million to 30 small businesses nationwide
EPA News Release: Colorado and Utah small businesses receiving up to $100,000 each to develop environmental technologies
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Increased EPA Water Infrastructure Funding Will Provide More than $78 Million in Puerto Rico
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Calls for Prioritizing Underserved Communities
EPA News Release: Increased EPA Water Infrastructure Funding Will Provide More than $78 Million in Puerto Rico
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EPA Awards over $77 Million for Diesel Emissions Reduction Projects (PR)
More Than $1 Million to University of Puerto Rico for New Vehicles
EPA News Release: EPA Awards over $77 Million for Diesel Emissions Reduction Projects (PR)
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Colorado and Utah projects among $77 million in grants for diesel emissions reductions nationwide
EPA grants will result in cleaner vehicles, reduced emissions in air quality non-attainment areas
EPA News Release: Colorado and Utah projects among $77 million in grants for diesel emissions reductions nationwide
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EPA awards $40,000 in funding to Denver, Colorado and Park City, Utah projects to reduce source pollution
Projects aim to reduce sources of food waste and waste from single-use to-go containers
EPA News Release: EPA awards $40,000 in funding to Denver, Colorado and Park City, Utah projects to reduce source pollution
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La EPA nombra nuevos miembros del Consejo Nacional Asesor de Justicia Ambiental
EPA News Release: La EPA nombra nuevos miembros del Consejo Nacional Asesor de Justicia Ambiental
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La EPA finaliza plan para abordar contaminación de aguas subterráneas en Puerto Rico en Lugar de Superfondo Pozos de Dorado
EPA News Release: La EPA finaliza plan para abordar contaminación de aguas subterráneas en Puerto Rico en Lugar de Superfondo Pozos de Dorado
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EPA Finalizes Plan to Address Dorado Groundwater Contamination Superfund Site in Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: EPA Finalizes Plan to Address Dorado Groundwater Contamination Superfund Site in Puerto Rico
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Colorado-based Bona US recognized as one of EPA’s 2021 Safer Choice Partners of the Year
EPA News Release: Colorado-based Bona US recognized as one of EPA’s 2021 Safer Choice Partners of the Year
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Agencias Federales y Estatales Presentan Guia para Ayudar a los Municipios a Integrar el Manejo de Desperdicios Sólidos y Escombros de Desastres en Planes de Mitigación de Riesgos en Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: Agencias Federales y Estatales Presentan Guia para Ayudar a los Municipios a Integrar el Manejo de Desperdicios Sólidos y Escombros de Desastres en Planes de Mitigación de Riesgos en Puerto Rico
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EPA deletes portion of Eagle Mine Superfund site from the National Priorities List
Deletion reflects continued cleanup progress at site
EPA News Release: EPA deletes portion of Eagle Mine Superfund site from the National Priorities List
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