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Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 results
Biden-Harris Administration Announces $57+ Million Investment for Clean Water Infrastructure Upgrades in New England States
Funding for critical water infrastructure projects in Conn., Maine, Mass., N.H., R.I., and Vermont
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $57+ Million Investment for Clean Water Infrastructure Upgrades in New England States
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La EPA y el Estado de Colorado publican la versión final del plan de trabajo para dar prioridad a la ejecución y cumplimiento de las normas y reglamentos en las comunidades con un alto nivel de contaminación
EPA News Release: La EPA y el Estado de Colorado publican la versión final del plan de trabajo para dar prioridad a la ejecución y cumplimiento de las normas y reglamentos en las comunidades con un alto nivel de contaminación
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EPA's Finalization of "Good Neighbor" Plan will reduce transport of harmful air pollution to Connecticut
EPA News Release: EPA's Finalization of "Good Neighbor" Plan will reduce transport of harmful air pollution to Connecticut
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EPA and Colorado release final enforcement and compliance workplan to prioritize heavily polluted communities
EPA News Release: EPA and Colorado release final enforcement and compliance workplan to prioritize heavily polluted communities
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EPA Honors New England Organizations as 2023 ENERGY STAR Partners of the Year
Companies and Organizations in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont
EPA News Release: EPA Honors New England Organizations as 2023 ENERGY STAR Partners of the Year
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EPA honors 2023 ENERGY STAR® Partners of the Year Award winners in Colorado and Utah
EPA News Release: EPA honors 2023 ENERGY STAR® Partners of the Year Award winners in Colorado and Utah
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EPA Announces New England Virtual Listening Session on PFAS Strategic Roadmap
EPA News Release: EPA Announces New England Virtual Listening Session on PFAS Strategic Roadmap
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EPA Takes Action Against Connecticut Company for Clean Air Act Violations in New Haven
Community of New Haven breathes easier due to EPA's enforcement action
EPA News Release: EPA Takes Action Against Connecticut Company for Clean Air Act Violations in New Haven
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EPA Settlement with Cold Storage Warehouse and Distribution Company Helps Make New Bedford and Hartford Communities Safer
EPA News Release: EPA Settlement with Cold Storage Warehouse and Distribution Company Helps Make New Bedford and Hartford Communities Safer
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EPA joins Governor Polis at Denver elementary school to announce $3 million for innovative Climate Pollution projects across the state
Funds from EPA’s new Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA joins Governor Polis at Denver elementary school to announce $3 million for innovative Climate Pollution projects across the state
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La EPA se une al gobernador Polis en la escuela primaria de Denver para anunciar $3 millones destinados a proyectos innovadores de contaminación climática en todo el estado
Fondos del nuevo Programa de Subvenciones para la Reducción de la Contaminación Climática de la EPA hechos posibles gracias a la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación
EPA News Release: La EPA se une al gobernador Polis en la escuela primaria de Denver para anunciar $3 millones destinados a proyectos innovadores de contaminación climática en todo el estado
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EPA Analysis Shows 2021 Decrease of Toxic Chemical Releases in Connecticut
EPA News Release: EPA Analysis Shows 2021 Decrease of Toxic Chemical Releases in Connecticut
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EPA releases 2021 Toxic Release Inventory data for Region 8 states
Releases remained below Pre-Pandemic levels, including a decrease of 12.7% in production-related waste since 2012
EPA News Release: EPA releases 2021 Toxic Release Inventory data for Region 8 states
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Settlement Agreement Reimburses Taxpayers for Cost of Removing Hazards at Bristol, Conn. Cleanup Site
EPA News Release: Settlement Agreement Reimburses Taxpayers for Cost of Removing Hazards at Bristol, Conn. Cleanup Site
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