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Displaying 1 - 15 of 82 results
EPA and US Department of Energy Announce $850M to Reduce Methane Pollution from the Oil and Gas Sector
Grant selectees from EPA’s Southeastern Region include M2X Energy, Inc. of Rockledge, Florida and the University of Kentucky Research Foundation in Lexington, Kentucky
EPA News Release: EPA and US Department of Energy Announce $850M to Reduce Methane Pollution from the Oil and Gas Sector
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Colorado, Montana and Utah to receive over $1.6M in EPA grants to prevent pollution
EPA News Release: Colorado, Montana and Utah to receive over $1.6M in EPA grants to prevent pollution
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces University of Louisville to Receive $305,738 in Grants to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution as Part of Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces University of Louisville to Receive $305,738 in Grants to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $8.14 million to upgrade older diesel engines to cleaner solutions for Colorado communities
Four Colorado entities among 67 selectees to reduce diesel emissions across a range of projects, including upgrades to school buses, port equipment, and construction equipment
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $8.14 million to upgrade older diesel engines to cleaner solutions for Colorado communities
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Biden-Harris Administration Protects Communities from Lead in Drinking Water, Announces $30,311,000 in Funding to Kentucky to Provide Clean Water to Schools and Homes
EPA announces new final regulations and new funding under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda for clean drinking water
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Protects Communities from Lead in Drinking Water, Announces $30,311,000 in Funding to Kentucky to Provide Clean Water to Schools and Homes
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Southern Ute Indian Tribe selected to receive $4,908,604 to cut climate pollution from oil and gas production sources
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, Tribe among 34 Tribal and territory applications selected to receive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
EPA News Release: Southern Ute Indian Tribe selected to receive $4,908,604 to cut climate pollution from oil and gas production sources
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St. Charles Mesa Water District to receive $175K EPA water infrastructure grant
EPA News Release: St. Charles Mesa Water District to receive $175K EPA water infrastructure grant
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Biden-Harris Administration announces the University of Kentucky Research Foundation as the recipient of $2,097,521 to support Clean U.S. Manufacturing of Construction Materials
Grants from President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act will support the renewal of American manufacturing by helping businesses produce low-carbon materials
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces the University of Kentucky Research Foundation as the recipient of $2,097,521 to support Clean U.S. Manufacturing of Construction Materials
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $6.34 million in Rebates for Clean School Buses Across Colorado as Part of Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $6.34 million in Rebates for Clean School Buses Across Colorado as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA announces $32.8M for Colorado lead pipe replacement to ensure safe drinking water
Latest round of funding advances President Biden’s commitment to replace every lead pipe in the nation
EPA News Release: EPA announces $32.8M for Colorado lead pipe replacement to ensure safe drinking water
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $1 Billion in Grants to Invest in America’s Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle Transition
EPA announces new grant program to fund zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles, infrastructure, and workforce development to tackle climate change, reduce air pollution, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $1 Billion in Grants to Invest in America’s Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle Transition
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Kentucky to Receive $62,450,000 to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Kentucky
EPA announces selectees under Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged households through the President’s Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Kentucky to Receive $62,450,000 to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Kentucky
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EPA Region 4 Solicits Applications for the 2024 Pollution Prevention Recognition Program
EPA News Release: EPA Region 4 Solicits Applications for the 2024 Pollution Prevention Recognition Program
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Fort Lewis College students receive $75K EPA award for water sampling project to better detect bacteria in surface waters
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded $75,000 to a team of Ft. Lewis College students for a water bacteria detection research project.
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EPA hosts “Road Show” in Commerce City to help communities access historic Investing in America funding
EPA’s Community, Equity and Resiliency initiative is supporting environmental justice communities to benefit from unprecedented Inflation Reduction Act funding
EPA News Release: EPA hosts “Road Show” in Commerce City to help communities access historic Investing in America funding
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