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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
EPA proposed settlement with Phoenix Petroleum resolves Clean Water Act violations at North Dakota oil production facilities
Company agrees to penalty associated with an inadequate spill prevention plan and field implementation of the plan at two tank batteries
EPA News Release: EPA proposed settlement with Phoenix Petroleum resolves Clean Water Act violations at North Dakota oil production facilities
- Release Date:
EPA Awards Energize Delaware Energy Star Partner of the Year for Sustained Excellence
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Energize Delaware Energy Star Partner of the Year for Sustained Excellence
- Release Date:
EPA settlement with Hess Corporation for Clean Water Act violations at North Dakota gas plant
Company agrees to penalty associated with inadequate spill prevention and response plans at Tioga facility
EPA News Release: EPA settlement with Hess Corporation for Clean Water Act violations at North Dakota gas plant
- Release Date:
EPA Honors 2020 ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Market Leaders in Delaware
EPA News Release: EPA Honors 2020 ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Market Leaders in Delaware
- Release Date:
U.S. EPA Honors 2020 ENERGY STAR Partners of the Year in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, DC and West Virginia
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Honors 2020 ENERGY STAR Partners of the Year in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, DC and West Virginia
- Release Date: