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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
Delaware to benefit from $248 million grant for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution
Department of Transportation is part of a coalition selected by the EPA to receive portion of a Climate Pollution Reduction Grant to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: Delaware to benefit from $248 million grant for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution
- Release Date:
EPA Awards DC Department of Energy and Environment $158,000 to test for lead in drinking water at schools
EPA News Release: EPA Awards DC Department of Energy and Environment $158,000 to test for lead in drinking water at schools
- Release Date:
U.S. EPA Honors 2020 ENERGY STAR Partners of the Year in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, DC and West Virginia
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Honors 2020 ENERGY STAR Partners of the Year in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, DC and West Virginia
- Release Date:
EPA Awards Delaware Department of Education $209,000 to test for lead in drinking water at schools
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Delaware Department of Education $209,000 to test for lead in drinking water at schools
- Release Date: