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Displaying 1 - 15 of 54 results
EPA to review cleanups at 47 Southeast Superfund Sites this year
EPA News Release: EPA to review cleanups at 47 Southeast Superfund Sites this year
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EPA announces $2 million Brownfields Cleanup Grant to the Rome Floyd County Development Authority (RFCDA) for cleanup activities at the Battey Business Complex
EPA News Release: EPA announces $2 million Brownfields Cleanup Grant to the Rome Floyd County Development Authority (RFCDA) for cleanup activities at the Battey Business Complex
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MEDIA ADVISORY: EPA announces $2 million Brownfields Cleanup Grant to the Rome Floyd County Development Authority (RFCDA) for cleanup activities at the Battey Business Complex
EPA News Release: MEDIA ADVISORY: EPA announces $2 million Brownfields Cleanup Grant to the Rome Floyd County Development Authority (RFCDA) for cleanup activities at the Battey Business Complex
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $5,500,000 in Brownfield Grants Through Investing in America Agenda to Rehabilitate and Revitalize Communities in Georgia
Funded by $1.5 billion investment into Brownfields sites from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to address legacy pollution, advance environmental justice, and create healthier communities
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $5,500,000 in Brownfield Grants Through Investing in America Agenda to Rehabilitate and Revitalize Communities in Georgia
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $5.5 Million in Brownfield Grants to Houston Land Bank Through Investing in America Agenda
Funded by $1.5 billion investment into Brownfields sites from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to address legacy pollution, advance environmental justice, and create healthier communities
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $5.5 Million in Brownfield Grants to Houston Land Bank Through Investing in America Agenda
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $2.2 Million in Brownfield Grants Through Investing in America Agenda to Rehabilitate and Revitalize Communities in Texas
Funded by $1.5 billion investment into Brownfields sites from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to address legacy pollution, advance environmental justice, and create healthier communities
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $2.2 Million in Brownfield Grants Through Investing in America Agenda to Rehabilitate and Revitalize Communities in Texas
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Biden-Harris Administration announces new cleanup project in Texas as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a site in Happy, Texas, will receive several million dollars from the third and final wave of more than $1 billion for cleanup projects across the country.
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The Biden-Harris Administration Announces $500,000 for the City of Texarkana to Recruit and Train Texas Workers for Community Revitalization and Cleanup Projects
Latest funding for EPA’s Brownfield Job Training Grants is supported by the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and will boost workforce training in underserved and overburdened communities
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the City of Texarkana to receive a total of approximately $500,000 for environmental job training programs as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda.
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$30M BIL investment advances Superfund cleanup on Atlanta’s Westside and free EPA job training provides skills, job opportunities for 20 local residents
EPA News Release: $30M BIL investment advances Superfund cleanup on Atlanta’s Westside and free EPA job training provides skills, job opportunities for 20 local residents
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MEDIA ADVISORY: EPA to highlight BIL funding for Westside Superfund Site cleanup and recognize 20 local Superfund Job Training Initiative graduates at Atlanta press event
EPA News Release: MEDIA ADVISORY: EPA to highlight BIL funding for Westside Superfund Site cleanup and recognize 20 local Superfund Job Training Initiative graduates at Atlanta press event
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EPA Announces $1.5 Million for Brownfield Sites in Dallas, Texas
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $1.5 million in funding from President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda to the city of Dallas to expedite the assessment and cleanup of brownfield sites while advancing environmental justice.
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $4 Million Through Investing in America Agenda for Cleanup and Technical Assistance at Polluted Brownfield Sites in Georgia
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $4 Million Through Investing in America Agenda for Cleanup and Technical Assistance at Polluted Brownfield Sites in Georgia
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EPA to Delete Texas Superfund Site from the National Priorities List
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is deleting the River City Metal Finishing Superfund site in San Antonio, Texas, from the National Priorities List (NPL) of Superfund sites.
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EPA Begins Demolition at Lane Plating Superfund Site in Dallas Texas
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Community Advisor Group Members (CAG) and Dallas city officials hosted an event at the Lane Plating Superfund site in Dallas, Texas.
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Construction Begins for Southern Impoundment Cleanup at San Jacinto River Waste Pits Superfund Site
Construction for the final remedy has begun for part of the San Jacinto River Waste Pits Superfund site in Harris County, Texas, just east of Houston.
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