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Displaying 1 - 15 of 33 results
Koloa Zipline and Kauai ATV to Pay $45k to Resolve Safe Drinking Water Act Violation Claim
EPA News Release: Koloa Zipline and Kauai ATV to Pay $45k to Resolve Safe Drinking Water Act Violation Claim
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EPA proposes consent order on safe closure of Navy’s Red Hill Fuel Facility
EPA News Release: EPA proposes consent order on safe closure of Navy’s Red Hill Fuel Facility
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EPA takes action to address pollution violations at Kailua Wastewater Treatment Plant
EPA News Release: EPA takes action to address pollution violations at Kailua Wastewater Treatment Plant
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $500,000 EPA Brownfields Grant to Train Hawaii Environmental Workers, Revitalize Communities
EPA selects Kaunalewa to receive grant funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, boosting workforce training in overburdened communities
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $500,000 EPA Brownfields Grant to Train Hawaii Environmental Workers, Revitalize Communities
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EPA Announces More Than $105 Million in Funding for Oklahoma Water Infrastructure Improvements
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced more than $105 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funding to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, Oklahoma Water Resources Board for water infrastructure improvements.
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Oklahoma City Used Oil Recyclers Pay Nearly $2 Million for Processing, Transportation, and Storage Violations
January Environmental Services, Inc., January Transport, Inc., and company-owner Cris January will pay civil penalties of $1.9 million and perform comprehensive corrective measures to resolve allegations that they violated the RCRA in Oklahoma.
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EPA Announces Cherokee Nation to Receive $69,770 for Air Monitoring Projects
Largest investment for community air monitoring in EPA history funded by President Biden’s Climate and Economic Plans
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Cherokee Nation to Receive $69,770 for Air Monitoring Projects
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EPA Announces $29 Million in Clean School Bus Funding for School Districts in Oklahoma
Historic investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law headed to all 50 states in effort to transform America’s school bus fleet
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $29 Million in Clean School Bus Funding for School Districts in Oklahoma
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Close to $95 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for School Districts in American Samoa, Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada
Historic investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law headed to all 50 states in effort to transform America’s school bus fleet
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Close to $95 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for School Districts in American Samoa, Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada
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EPA protects Big Island water resources by ordering closure of three illegal cesspools
SKS Management and Wailuku Plaza will close cesspools and pay a combined $71,780 penalty
EPA News Release: EPA protects Big Island water resources by ordering closure of three illegal cesspools
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EPA Awards Over $14 Million to Improve and Protect Water Quality in Arizona, California, Nevada & Hawaii
Grant funding will support state projects and leverage local partnerships
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Over $14 Million to Improve and Protect Water Quality in Arizona, California, Nevada & Hawaii
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EPA to Hold Open House Meeting in Ardmore, Oklahoma on Health Risks from Ethylene Oxide Emissions
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is committed to reducing health risks associated with toxic air pollution and is working to update and strengthen Clean Air Act standards for commercial sterilizers to achieve that goal.
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EPA Announces Historic Award of Over $31 Million in Clean Water Funding to Hawaii
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Historic Award of Over $31 Million in Clean Water Funding to Hawaii
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EPA Selects Three Oklahoma Recipients of Pollution Prevention Grants Totaling $821,000
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Three Oklahoma Recipients of Pollution Prevention Grants Totaling $821,000
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EPA Awards $350,000 to Advance Environmental Justice in Hawai‘i
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $350,000 to Advance Environmental Justice in Hawai‘i
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