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Displaying 1 - 15 of 30 results
EPA Awards National Grant to Hawaii for Diesel Emissions Reduction Projects
EPA News Release: EPA Awards National Grant to Hawaii for Diesel Emissions Reduction Projects
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Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to spur cleanup at Jacobs Smelter Site in Stockton, Utah
Arsenic and lead cleanup among first $1B in investments to clear Superfund backlog
EPA News Release: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to spur cleanup at Jacobs Smelter Site in Stockton, Utah
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Colorado and Utah small businesses receiving up to $100,000 each to develop environmental technologies
EPA awarding over $3 million to 30 small businesses nationwide
EPA News Release: Colorado and Utah small businesses receiving up to $100,000 each to develop environmental technologies
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Colorado and Utah projects among $77 million in grants for diesel emissions reductions nationwide
EPA grants will result in cleaner vehicles, reduced emissions in air quality non-attainment areas
EPA News Release: Colorado and Utah projects among $77 million in grants for diesel emissions reductions nationwide
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EPA awards $40,000 in funding to Denver, Colorado and Park City, Utah projects to reduce source pollution
Projects aim to reduce sources of food waste and waste from single-use to-go containers
EPA News Release: EPA awards $40,000 in funding to Denver, Colorado and Park City, Utah projects to reduce source pollution
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U.S. EPA fines The Gas Company over Clean Air Act violations in Kapolei
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA fines The Gas Company over Clean Air Act violations in Kapolei
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County of Hawaii Fined for Violating U.S. EPA Safe Drinking Water Act Order
EPA News Release: County of Hawaii Fined for Violating U.S. EPA Safe Drinking Water Act Order
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Draper, Utah company among winners of the Next Gen Fertilizer Innovations Challenge
Dr. Christopher Hendrickson of Aqua-Yield Operations LLC one of five nationwide winners
EPA News Release: Draper, Utah company among winners of the Next Gen Fertilizer Innovations Challenge
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U.S. EPA penalizes Hawaiian Ice for chemical safety violations
2017 chemical release resulted in evacuation of nearby business community
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA penalizes Hawaiian Ice for chemical safety violations
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EPA Awards $750,000 to UC San Diego to Help Safely Develop Biotechnology Used Against Mosquito-Borne Disease
Research will Look at Health, Environmental Impacts in Hawaii, Pacific Islands
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $750,000 to UC San Diego to Help Safely Develop Biotechnology Used Against Mosquito-Borne Disease
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EPA files complaint against local landowner for damages to wetlands in Hauula, Hawaii
EPA News Release: EPA files complaint against local landowner for damages to wetlands in Hauula, Hawaii
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U.S. Navy enters agreement with U.S. EPA to upgrade Pearl Harbor-Hickam Wastewater Treatment Plant
Agreement will prevent plant’s elevated toxic pollutants from entering Pearl Harbor
EPA News Release: U.S. Navy enters agreement with U.S. EPA to upgrade Pearl Harbor-Hickam Wastewater Treatment Plant
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EPA fines East Oahu Plant over Clean Air Act violations
EPA News Release: EPA fines East Oahu Plant over Clean Air Act violations
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EPA announces $500,000 to Salt Lake County to advance cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated Brownfield sites
Award part of $11.6 million in supplemental funding for Brownfield projects nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA announces $500,000 to Salt Lake County to advance cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated Brownfield sites
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EPA reaches settlement with landowners in Duchesne County, Utah to restore Duchesne River and floodplain on Uintah and Ouray Reservation
Karl and David Lamb to restore portions of the Duchesne River and floodplain impacted by unpermitted construction activities
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlement with landowners in Duchesne County, Utah to restore Duchesne River and floodplain on Uintah and Ouray Reservation
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