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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 results
U.S. EPA requires Hawaii’s largest refrigerated food warehouse to improve chemical safety
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA requires Hawaii’s largest refrigerated food warehouse to improve chemical safety
- Release Date:
U.S. EPA Terminates Order with City and County of Honolulu with successful implementation of Stream Maintenance Program
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Terminates Order with City and County of Honolulu with successful implementation of Stream Maintenance Program
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U.S. EPA Awards Hawaii $222,000 in Funding to Test for Lead in School Drinking Water
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Awards Hawaii $222,000 in Funding to Test for Lead in School Drinking Water
- Release Date:
To protect public health during pandemic, U.S. EPA orders O‘ahu company Hawaii Unified Industries to stop selling unregistered and misbranded pesticides
EPA News Release: To protect public health during pandemic, U.S. EPA orders O‘ahu company Hawaii Unified Industries to stop selling unregistered and misbranded pesticides
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EPA orders the closure of 16 cesspools in Kauai to protect water resources
EPA News Release: EPA orders the closure of 16 cesspools in Kauai to protect water resources
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EPA, Hawai‘i Department of Human Services Reach Agreement to Identify and Close Pollution-Causing Large Cesspools Throughout the State
Dept. of Human Services Will Conduct Self-Audit to Further Protect Water Resources
EPA News Release: EPA, Hawai‘i Department of Human Services Reach Agreement to Identify and Close Pollution-Causing Large Cesspools Throughout the State
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