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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 results
EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Virtual Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Meeting
The Feb. 22 outreach event will enable attendees to learn more about Region 7’s environmental justice efforts
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Virtual Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Meeting
- Release Date:
La Región 7 de la EPA invita al público a asistir a una reunión virtual de partes interesadas de la comunidad sobre justicia ambiental
El evento de difusión del 22 de febrero permitirá a los asistentes obtener más información sobre las iniciativas de justicia ambiental de la Región 7
EPA News Release: La Región 7 de la EPA invita al público a asistir a una reunión virtual de partes interesadas de la comunidad sobre justicia ambiental
- Release Date:
Utah to reduce indoor air pollution in schools, public buildings from wildfire smoke events through EPA grant
State to receive $854k for wildfire smoke preparedness projects in target underserved areas
EPA News Release: Utah to reduce indoor air pollution in schools, public buildings from wildfire smoke events through EPA grant
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EPA Strengthens Safeguards to Protect Families and Children from Lead in Contaminated Soil at Residential Sites in Region 7
Utilizing updated, best available science, EPA lowers nationwide screening levels for the first time in 30 years, impacting sites in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska
EPA News Release: EPA Strengthens Safeguards to Protect Families and Children from Lead in Contaminated Soil at Residential Sites in Region 7
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EPA Announces Over $5.9M in Awards for Clean School Buses in Iowa, as Part of Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $5.9M in Awards for Clean School Buses in Iowa, as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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Biden-Harris Administration announces Utah to receive funding for six Clean School Buses as part of Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces Utah to receive funding for six Clean School Buses as part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA Encourages Home Testing During National Radon Action Month
Many areas in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska have the potential for elevated indoor radon levels
EPA News Release: EPA Encourages Home Testing During National Radon Action Month
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