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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results
EPA Announces Iowa Selectees to Receive Over $500K in Grants to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Iowa Selectees to Receive Over $500K in Grants to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $2.4 Million of Clean Ports Investments in Guam as Part of Investing in America Agenda
EPA’s Clean Ports Program to fund 55 zero-emission port equipment, infrastructure, and planning projects across the nation to tackle climate change, reduce air pollution, promote good jobs, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $2.4 Million of Clean Ports Investments in Guam as Part of Investing in America Agenda
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $48M for Water Infrastructure in Iowa Through Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $48M for Water Infrastructure in Iowa Through Investing in America Agenda
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EPA Announces Nearly $100K to Two Iowa Selectees to Upgrade Older Diesel Engines to Cleaner and Zero-Emission Solutions
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Nearly $100K to Two Iowa Selectees to Upgrade Older Diesel Engines to Cleaner and Zero-Emission Solutions
- Release Date:
EPA Issues Final Rule Requiring Replacement of Lead Pipes Within 10 Years, Announces Over $37.4M in Funding to Iowa to Provide Clean Water to Schools and Homes
EPA announces new final regulations and new funding under the Biden-Harris administration’s Investing in America Agenda for clean drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA Issues Final Rule Requiring Replacement of Lead Pipes Within 10 Years, Announces Over $37.4M in Funding to Iowa to Provide Clean Water to Schools and Homes
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $10.1 Million to Guam for Clean Water to Schools and Homes, Protects Communities from Lead in Drinking Water
EPA announces new final regulations and new funding under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda for clean drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $10.1 Million to Guam for Clean Water to Schools and Homes, Protects Communities from Lead in Drinking Water
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EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Virtual Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Meeting
Oct. 17 outreach event will provide opportunity for attendees to learn more about Region 7’s environmental justice efforts
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Virtual Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Meeting
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EPA Fines Roquette America Inc. of Keokuk, Iowa, for Alleged Chemical Risk Prevention Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Roquette America Inc. of Keokuk, Iowa, for Alleged Chemical Risk Prevention Violations
- Release Date: