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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results
EPA Fines Walmart and Hartz Mountain for Violating Federal Pesticide Law in Colby, Kansas
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Walmart and Hartz Mountain for Violating Federal Pesticide Law in Colby, Kansas
- Release Date:
La Región 7 de la EPA ordena a los distribuidores de comestibles de Kansas, Misuri y Nebraska que detengan la venta de productos desinfectantes Fabuloso ilegales
EPA News Release: La Región 7 de la EPA ordena a los distribuidores de comestibles de Kansas, Misuri y Nebraska que detengan la venta de productos desinfectantes Fabuloso ilegales
- Release Date:
EPA Region 7 Orders Grocery Distributors in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska to Stop Sale of Illegal Fabuloso Disinfectant Products
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Orders Grocery Distributors in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska to Stop Sale of Illegal Fabuloso Disinfectant Products
- Release Date:
Public Invited to Wichita Informational Session on EPA’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program and Community Change Grants
The Aug. 22 outreach event will provide information about Inflation Reduction Act grants
EPA News Release: Public Invited to Wichita Informational Session on EPA’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program and Community Change Grants
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EPA Recognizes Des Moines-Based Hy-Vee as GreenChill Program Celebrates 15 Years of Supporting Smart Refrigerant Management Across Supermarket Industry
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Des Moines-Based Hy-Vee as GreenChill Program Celebrates 15 Years of Supporting Smart Refrigerant Management Across Supermarket Industry
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EPA Orders New Strawn, Kansas, Excavator to Cease Dumping and Restore Wetlands
EPA News Release: EPA Orders New Strawn, Kansas, Excavator to Cease Dumping and Restore Wetlands
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EPA to Begin Free Lead Testing at Cherokee County, Kansas, Superfund Site
New sitewide assessment will include testing of eligible residential yards, private drinking water wells, parks, and agricultural areas
EPA News Release: EPA to Begin Free Lead Testing at Cherokee County, Kansas, Superfund Site
- Release Date:
EPA Selects Five Recipients for Pollution Prevention Grants in Region 7 Funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
K-State, MSU, Missouri S&T, UNL, and Iowa Department of Natural Resources selected for grants
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Five Recipients for Pollution Prevention Grants in Region 7 Funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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