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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
EPA and US Department of Energy Announce $850M to Reduce Methane Pollution from the Oil and Gas Sector
Grant selectees from EPA’s Southeastern Region include M2X Energy, Inc. of Rockledge, Florida and the University of Kentucky Research Foundation in Lexington, Kentucky
EPA News Release: EPA and US Department of Energy Announce $850M to Reduce Methane Pollution from the Oil and Gas Sector
- Release Date:
EPA announces $319M WIFIA loan for improvements to a critical drinking water system in Oregon
EPA News Release: EPA announces $319M WIFIA loan for improvements to a critical drinking water system in Oregon
- Release Date:
EPA announces $6.5M for clean heavy-duty vehicles in Oregon
Funding for zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles, along with infrastructure and workforce development projects, to tackle climate change, reduce air pollution, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: EPA announces $6.5M for clean heavy-duty vehicles in Oregon
- Release Date:
EPA’s Annual Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Results Include Strongest Outcomes Since 2017
Revitalized enforcement and compliance efforts delivered public health benefits for people and communities, combatted climate change, and ensured cleaner air, water and land
EPA News Release: EPA’s Annual Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Results Include Strongest Outcomes Since 2017
- Release Date: