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Displaying 121 - 135 of 280 results
EPA Awards Three Environmental Merit Awards to Maine Recipients
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Three Environmental Merit Awards to Maine Recipients
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Oakridge-Westfir communities attain Clean Air Act standards for fine particle pollution
Local collaborative efforts result in cleaner and healthier air during winter months
EPA News Release: Oakridge-Westfir communities attain Clean Air Act standards for fine particle pollution
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Biden-Harris Administration and EPA Announce Delivery of Historic Water Infrastructure Funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Maine
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration and EPA Announce Delivery of Historic Water Infrastructure Funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Maine
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EPA Selects University of Southern Maine for $350,000 Pollution Prevention Grant
Grant funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: EPA Selects University of Southern Maine for $350,000 Pollution Prevention Grant
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Three Rural Communities in New England Receive Assistance to Grow Their Outdoor Recreation Economy
EPA News Release: Three Rural Communities in New England Receive Assistance to Grow Their Outdoor Recreation Economy
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Smith Frozen Foods to pay $100,000 penalty for Clean Air Act violations
EPA News Release: Smith Frozen Foods to pay $100,000 penalty for Clean Air Act violations
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EPA Awards $400,000 Environmental Education Grants to Empower Students, Teachers and Communities in Oregon and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $400,000 Environmental Education Grants to Empower Students, Teachers and Communities in Oregon and Washington
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EPA and ITT LLC Reach Agreement at the Keddy Mill Superfund Site on Plan to Demolish and Remove Contaminated Mill Structure
EPA News Release: EPA and ITT LLC Reach Agreement at the Keddy Mill Superfund Site on Plan to Demolish and Remove Contaminated Mill Structure
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EPA Announces $79 Million Investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Protect and Restore the Columbia River Basin
Up to $6.9 million in Clean Water Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding will be awarded to reduce toxics in fish and water, address climate impacts in communities throughout the Basin
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $79 Million Investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Protect and Restore the Columbia River Basin
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EPA Highlights $19.7 Million Brownfields Investment in Maine
President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will help revitalize sites across Maine and Build a Better America
EPA News Release: EPA Highlights $19.7 Million Brownfields Investment in Maine
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EPA New England to Invest up to $24 Million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Help Protect and Restore its Six Estuaries of National Significance
EPA releases guidance on how the agency will administer the program
EPA News Release: EPA New England to Invest up to $24 Million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Help Protect and Restore its Six Estuaries of National Significance
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Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Provides $21 Million of EPA Funding to Accelerate Work at Callahan Mine Superfund Site in Brooksville, Maine
EPA News Release: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Provides $21 Million of EPA Funding to Accelerate Work at Callahan Mine Superfund Site in Brooksville, Maine
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EPA Announces $500 Million for Clean School Buses for New England School Districts
President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Creates New EPA Program to Protect Children's Health, Reduce Pollution, and Boost American Manufacturing
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $500 Million for Clean School Buses for New England School Districts
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EPA Announces Record $24.2 Million Brownfields Investment in Maine
President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will help revitalize New England communities, Build a Better America and Address Environmental Justice Concerns
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Record $24.2 Million Brownfields Investment in Maine
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EPA Announces $65 Million in WIFIA Loans to Modernize Water Infrastructure in Multnomah County, Oregon
Funding to Rockwood Water People’s Utility District and City of Gresham will support Cascade Groundwater Development Program project
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $65 Million in WIFIA Loans to Modernize Water Infrastructure in Multnomah County, Oregon
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