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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 results
EPA recognizes $7.7 million grant to The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction measures
Estimated direct greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions from this funding are expected to be around 41,413 metric tons of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) over the period from 2025 to 2050
EPA News Release: EPA recognizes $7.7 million grant to The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction measures
- Release Date:
EPA Adds Hercules Inc. Site in Hattiesburg, Mississippi to the Superfund National Priorities List to Clean Up Pollution and Protect Public Health
EPA News Release: EPA Adds Hercules Inc. Site in Hattiesburg, Mississippi to the Superfund National Priorities List to Clean Up Pollution and Protect Public Health
- Release Date: