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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
EPA Recognizes Des Moines-Based Hy-Vee as GreenChill Program Celebrates 15 Years of Supporting Smart Refrigerant Management Across Supermarket Industry
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Des Moines-Based Hy-Vee as GreenChill Program Celebrates 15 Years of Supporting Smart Refrigerant Management Across Supermarket Industry
- Release Date:
EPA Selects Five Recipients for Pollution Prevention Grants in Region 7 Funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
K-State, MSU, Missouri S&T, UNL, and Iowa Department of Natural Resources selected for grants
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Five Recipients for Pollution Prevention Grants in Region 7 Funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
- Release Date:
EPA Region 7 to Attend Washington County, Missouri’s 27th Annual Health Fair
Learn how to get free lead testing and protect your family from lead hazards
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 to Attend Washington County, Missouri’s 27th Annual Health Fair
- Release Date:
EPA at 50: Managing Waste Across the Nation and the Heartland
EPA News Release: EPA at 50: Managing Waste Across the Nation and the Heartland
- Release Date:
EPA Reaches Settlement with Property Manager for Alleged Lead-Based Paint Violations in Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches Settlement with Property Manager for Alleged Lead-Based Paint Violations in Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri
- Release Date: