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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 results
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Almost $78 Million for Clean Water Infrastructure Upgrades in Pacific Southwest
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Almost $78 Million for Clean Water Infrastructure Upgrades in Pacific Southwest
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EPA Announces Virtual Listening Session on PFAS Strategic Roadmap for Pacific Southwest
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Virtual Listening Session on PFAS Strategic Roadmap for Pacific Southwest
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In the Pacific Southwest, Toxic Chemical Releases Decreased Slightly in 2021 According to EPA Data
EPA News Release: In the Pacific Southwest, Toxic Chemical Releases Decreased Slightly in 2021 According to EPA Data
- Release Date:
EPA releases 2021 Toxic Release Inventory data for Region 8 states
Releases remained below Pre-Pandemic levels, including a decrease of 12.7% in production-related waste since 2012
EPA News Release: EPA releases 2021 Toxic Release Inventory data for Region 8 states
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EPA will review Butte health data to identify potential gaps; commits to increased transparency and community engagement
EPA to host public meeting in the coming weeks
EPA News Release: EPA will review Butte health data to identify potential gaps; commits to increased transparency and community engagement
- Release Date:
EPA announces additional $65 million for Superfund cleanup projects at Montana mining sites
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds to be used at three Superfund sites will ensure a safer, cleaner, and pollution-free future for local communities
EPA News Release: EPA announces additional $65 million for Superfund cleanup projects at Montana mining sites
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EPA awards $70,675 to Chippewa Cree Tribe in Montana for Solid Waste Management
Improved solid waste management on the Rocky Boys Indian Reservation will increase recovery of valuable materials, educate the public, and decrease illegal dumping
EPA News Release: EPA awards $70,675 to Chippewa Cree Tribe in Montana for Solid Waste Management
- Release Date: