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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 results
La EPA alienta a los residentes de las regiones de las Montañas Rocosas y las Grandes Llanuras a “probar su hogar” y reducir los niveles de radón en el hogar
Colorado, Montana, Dakota del Norte, Dakota del Sur, Utah y Wyoming entre los estados de mayor riesgo de cáncer de pulmón por gas radón
EPA News Release: La EPA alienta a los residentes de las regiones de las Montañas Rocosas y las Grandes Llanuras a “probar su hogar” y reducir los niveles de radón en el hogar
- Release Date:
EPA encourages Rocky Mountain and Great Plains region residents to “Test Your Nest” and reduce home radon levels
Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming among highest-risk states for lung cancer from radon gas
EPA News Release: EPA encourages Rocky Mountain and Great Plains region residents to “Test Your Nest” and reduce home radon levels
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EPA offers first-ever grants to reduce toxics in Columbia River
EPA News Release: EPA offers first-ever grants to reduce toxics in Columbia River
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EPA Superfund site deletions in 2019 provide lasting benefit to communities in Region 8
Deletions in Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming contribute to largest national tally since 2001
EPA News Release: EPA Superfund site deletions in 2019 provide lasting benefit to communities in Region 8
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EPA and partners release data and findings from Kootenai River sampling effort
Water quality and fish tissue results show elevated levels of selenium and nitrates associated with upstream sources
EPA News Release: EPA and partners release data and findings from Kootenai River sampling effort
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EPA proposes updates to air regulations for oil and gas to remove redundant requirements and reduce burden
EPA News Release: EPA proposes updates to air regulations for oil and gas to remove redundant requirements and reduce burden
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EPA presents East Helena, Montana partners with Superfund Reuse award
Montana Environmental Trust Group recognized for transformation of the East Helena Superfund site
EPA News Release: EPA presents East Helena, Montana partners with Superfund Reuse award
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EPA awards Montana Department of Environmental Quality $1,041,000 to protect water quality
EPA partners with the state to protect and restore watersheds, streams and groundwater
EPA News Release: EPA awards Montana Department of Environmental Quality $1,041,000 to protect water quality
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EPA proposes to delete portion of Idaho Pole Company site in Gallatin County, Montana from Superfund list
Action makes way proposed housing and commercial redevelopment projects
EPA News Release: EPA proposes to delete portion of Idaho Pole Company site in Gallatin County, Montana from Superfund list
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EPA awards $300K to support assessment of housing units on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation (Mont.)
Brownfields grant to assess homes for potential contaminants prior to reuse
EPA News Release: EPA awards $300K to support assessment of housing units on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation (Mont.)
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EPA awards Sweetgrass Development $300K to support property cleanup and redevelopment in north-central Montana
Brownfields grant to spur economic redevelopment in the communities of Browning, Heart Butte, Cut Bank and Sunburst
EPA News Release: EPA awards Sweetgrass Development $300K to support property cleanup and redevelopment in north-central Montana
- Release Date:
EPA awards Missoula County $300K to support property cleanup and redevelopment
Brownfields grant to help assess and revitalize locations in Milltown, East Missoula, and Evaro
EPA News Release: EPA awards Missoula County $300K to support property cleanup and redevelopment
- Release Date: