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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 results
EPA and Justice Department reach settlement with Northern Cheyenne Utilities Commission to address Clean Water Act violations in Montana
Settlement reflects joint federal and tribal efforts to protect public health, improve water quality and support tribal utility operations on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation
EPA News Release: EPA and Justice Department reach settlement with Northern Cheyenne Utilities Commission to address Clean Water Act violations in Montana
- Release Date:
EPA awards grants to student teams in Colorado, Montana, South Dakota and Utah for innovative technology projects
Five teams in EPA Region 8 among 32 nationwide to receive $25,000 each
EPA News Release: EPA awards grants to student teams in Colorado, Montana, South Dakota and Utah for innovative technology projects
- Release Date:
BNSF agreement to ensure long-term protectiveness within railroad corridors for Libby Asbestos Superfund site finalized
BNSF to implement institutional controls and maintain remedy for corridors
EPA News Release: BNSF agreement to ensure long-term protectiveness within railroad corridors for Libby Asbestos Superfund site finalized
- Release Date: