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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 results
EPA awards $1M to clean up and revitalize properties in downtown Billings, Montana
Big Sky Economic Development Authority to use Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to address contamination, advance new development
EPA News Release: EPA awards $1M to clean up and revitalize properties in downtown Billings, Montana
- Release Date:
EPA awards $500K to clean up and revitalize properties in Kalispell, Columbia Falls and Whitefish, Montana
Montana West Economic Development Foundation to use Brownfields grant to address contamination and develop affordable housing across Flathead Valley
EPA News Release: EPA awards $500K to clean up and revitalize properties in Kalispell, Columbia Falls and Whitefish, Montana
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EPA awards $460K for cleanup and revitalization of properties in Stillwater, Carbon and Big Horn Counties and Northern Cheyenne and Crow Indian Reservations
Brownfields grant to address contamination, advance redevelopment in communities like Columbus, Lodge Grass and Red Lodge
EPA News Release: EPA awards $460K for cleanup and revitalization of properties in Stillwater, Carbon and Big Horn Counties and Northern Cheyenne and Crow Indian Reservations
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EPA awards $500K for cleanup and revitalization of properties in Great Falls and Cascade County, Montana
Great Falls Development Authority to use Brownfields grant to address contamination, advance redevelopment
EPA News Release: EPA awards $500K for cleanup and revitalization of properties in Great Falls and Cascade County, Montana
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EPA awards $2.25M for cleanup and revitalization of properties across eastern Montana
Great Northern Development Corp. to use Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds for to address contamination in Poplar, Glendive and communities in Roosevelt and Dawson Counties
EPA News Release: EPA awards $2.25M for cleanup and revitalization of properties across eastern Montana
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EPA awards $1M for the cleanup and revitalization of properties in Cut Bank, Sunburst and northern Montana communities
Sweetgrass Development Corporation to use Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds to redevelop sites in Glacier and Toole County
EPA News Release: EPA awards $1M for the cleanup and revitalization of properties in Cut Bank, Sunburst and northern Montana communities
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New upcoming grant opportunity to enhance Environmental Justice in EPA Region 8 communities
EPA previews new grant opportunity for technical assistance for organizations and communities in the Region 8 states of CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY and 28 Tribes
EPA News Release: New upcoming grant opportunity to enhance Environmental Justice in EPA Region 8 communities
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City of Harlowton, Montana receives $500,000 to cleanup and revitalize former railyard and depot property
City among 265 communities nationwide nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: City of Harlowton, Montana receives $500,000 to cleanup and revitalize former railyard and depot property
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Fort Belknap Indian Community receives $500,000 grant to cleanup and reuse properties
Fort Belknap among 265 communities nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Fort Belknap Indian Community receives $500,000 grant to cleanup and reuse properties
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Montana Department of Environmental Quality receives $2M to boost property assessment and cleanup in communities, including Anaconda, Billings and Libby
Montana DEQ among 265 recipients nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Montana Department of Environmental Quality receives $2M to boost property assessment and cleanup in communities, including Anaconda, Billings and Libby
- Release Date:
Big Sky Economic Development Authority receives $500,000 for property assessment, cleanup and redevelopment in East Billings, Mont.
BSED among 265 recipients nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Big Sky Economic Development Authority receives $500,000 for property assessment, cleanup and redevelopment in East Billings, Mont.
- Release Date:
Northern Cheyenne Tribe receives $448,199 for property assessment, cleanup and reuse
Tribe among 265 communities nationwide communities to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Northern Cheyenne Tribe receives $448,199 for property assessment, cleanup and reuse
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Four Montana organizations to receive nearly $10 million to advance environmental cleanups
SMDC, GFDA, Bear Paw Development and HRCD among 265 nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Four Montana organizations to receive nearly $10 million to advance environmental cleanups
- Release Date: