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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
EPA Announces $569 Million WIFIA Loan for Flood, Climate Resilience in the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area
Nationally, 52 WIFIA loans are financing $23 billion in water upgrades, creating 54,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $569 Million WIFIA Loan for Flood, Climate Resilience in the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area
- Release Date:
EPA proposed settlement with Phoenix Petroleum resolves Clean Water Act violations at North Dakota oil production facilities
Company agrees to penalty associated with an inadequate spill prevention plan and field implementation of the plan at two tank batteries
EPA News Release: EPA proposed settlement with Phoenix Petroleum resolves Clean Water Act violations at North Dakota oil production facilities
- Release Date:
EPA Administrator Regan Visits North Dakota to Hear from Elected Officials, Industry, Environmental Leaders, Makes First Visit to Indian Country
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Regan Visits North Dakota to Hear from Elected Officials, Industry, Environmental Leaders, Makes First Visit to Indian Country
- Release Date:
EPA announces selection of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to receive $120,000 for environmental emergency planning
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe one of 18 organizations selected nationwide for Collaborative Problem-Solving Agreements
EPA News Release: EPA announces selection of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to receive $120,000 for environmental emergency planning
- Release Date: