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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
Biden-Harris Administration Announces $10,360,000 for Oklahoma Schools to Purchase Clean School Buses as Part of the Investing in America Agenda
EPA’s Clean School Bus Rebate Program to fund over 3,400 new clean school buses in approximately 530 districts across the nation
The Biden-Harris Administration announced the recipients of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2023 Clean School Bus Program rebate competition, funded by President Biden’s Investing in America agenda.
- Release Date:
EPA Announces Nearly $288,000 to State of Oklahoma to Study Wildfire Effects on Streams
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Nearly $288,000 to State of Oklahoma to Study Wildfire Effects on Streams
- Release Date:
EPA Appoints New Members to the Farm, Ranch, and Rural Communities Federal Advisory Committee from Ark., N.M., Okla. and Texas
EPA News Release: EPA Appoints New Members to the Farm, Ranch, and Rural Communities Federal Advisory Committee from Ark., N.M., Okla. and Texas
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $600,000 to City of Tulsa, Oklahoma Dept. of Environmental Quality Additional Clean Up and Reuse of Brownfield Sites
Funds are part of $6.9 million awarded nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $600,000 to City of Tulsa, Oklahoma Dept. of Environmental Quality Additional Clean Up and Reuse of Brownfield Sites
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