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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 results
EPA Recognizes Oklahoma City for Supporting Watersense Program
Public and private sector partners are honored for helping to save nearly 1.2 trillion gallons of water in 2023 with WaterSense
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency presented 51 awards to water utilities, government agencies, manufacturers, retailers, builders, and other organizations at the WaterSmart Innovations (WSI) conference in Las Vegas.
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EPA’s Office of Research and Development Announces Research Partnership and MOU Signing with Chickasaw Nation Tribe
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Chickasaw Nation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish a framework for technical cooperation and coordination related to the sustainable management of water, land, and air resources.
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EPA Announces Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes to Receive $300,000 in Brownfields Cleanup Funding
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes to Receive $300,000 in Brownfields Cleanup Funding
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EPA Announces $330,000 to Okla. Dept. of Environmental to Cleanup and Redevelop Contaminated Brownfield Sites
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $330,000 to Okla. Dept. of Environmental to Cleanup and Redevelop Contaminated Brownfield Sites
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EPA Announces Over $877,000 to Oklahoma State Univ. for Farm-Focused Project to Improve Environmental Outcomes
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $877,000 to Oklahoma State Univ. for Farm-Focused Project to Improve Environmental Outcomes
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EPA Will Help Wyandotte Nation, Tulsa’s Restoration Collective Revitalize Neighborhoods by Developing Local Food Systems
EPA News Release: EPA Will Help Wyandotte Nation, Tulsa’s Restoration Collective Revitalize Neighborhoods by Developing Local Food Systems
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EPA Announces Oklahoma City to Receive $300,000 in Brownfields Assessment Funding
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Oklahoma City to Receive $300,000 in Brownfields Assessment Funding
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