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Displaying 91 - 105 of 160 results
Benton-Franklin Council of Governments is selected for $600,000 in EPA Brownfields redevelopment funding
Funds will be used to conduct assessments and cleanup planning in support of rejuvenating formerly contaminated properties in Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland
EPA News Release: Benton-Franklin Council of Governments is selected for $600,000 in EPA Brownfields redevelopment funding
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EPA awards $723,000 in grants for beach water quality monitoring in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA awards $723,000 in grants for beach water quality monitoring in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington
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EPA reaches settlements with eight Washington renovators for lead-based paint violations
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlements with eight Washington renovators for lead-based paint violations
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EPA Announces $4.5 Million in Grants Available for Tribes to Replace Diesel Equipment and Reduce Harmful Emissions
For the first time under this competition, matching funds are not required.
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $4.5 Million in Grants Available for Tribes to Replace Diesel Equipment and Reduce Harmful Emissions
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EPA awards $615,000 to clean up school buses in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington communities
EPA News Release: EPA awards $615,000 to clean up school buses in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington communities
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EPA Honors 2021 ENERGY STAR® Partners of the Year Award Winners in the Pacific Northwest
EPA News Release: EPA Honors 2021 ENERGY STAR® Partners of the Year Award Winners in the Pacific Northwest
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EPA Announces $400,000 in Funding to Small Businesses in Alaska and Washington to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $400,000 in Funding to Small Businesses in Alaska and Washington to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
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Multistar pays $135,000 EPA penalty for violations of ammonia storage and risk management rules
EPA News Release: Multistar pays $135,000 EPA penalty for violations of ammonia storage and risk management rules
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EPA Announces Availability of Up to $6 Million in Environmental Justice Grants
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Availability of Up to $6 Million in Environmental Justice Grants
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EPA settles Clean Water Act case with South Bend Products LLC for wastewater discharge violations at SW Washington facility
EPA News Release: EPA settles Clean Water Act case with South Bend Products LLC for wastewater discharge violations at SW Washington facility
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EPA challenge seeks innovative solutions for reducing indoor air pollution from western wildfires
EPA News Release: EPA challenge seeks innovative solutions for reducing indoor air pollution from western wildfires
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EPA settles stormwater case with KAG West of Tacoma
Company paid $133,225 for failures leading to pollution in Commencement Bay
EPA News Release: EPA settles stormwater case with KAG West of Tacoma
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EPA penalizes Shell for Anacortes refinery release
Company pays $191,000 penalty for 2015 event that sickened locals
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Shell for Anacortes refinery release
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EPA offers $120,000 in grant funds to support healthy, resilient, and sustainable communities in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA offers $120,000 in grant funds to support healthy, resilient, and sustainable communities in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
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EPA settles with Emerald Kalama Chemical, LLC over hazardous waste handling, storage violations
Facility agrees to modify practice and pay penalty to settle alleged violations
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Emerald Kalama Chemical, LLC over hazardous waste handling, storage violations
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