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Displaying 1 - 15 of 275 results
EPA Announces $2.4 million in Funding to 24 Small Businesses for the Development of Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $2.4 million in Funding to 24 Small Businesses for the Development of Environmental Technologies
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EPA Announces New Draft Framework to Advance Consideration of Cumulative Impacts on Communities
EPA is seeking public comment and Tribal input on the Framework to ensure meaningful engagement
EPA News Release: EPA Announces New Draft Framework to Advance Consideration of Cumulative Impacts on Communities
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Biden-Harris Administration Makes $965M Available to Fund Clean School Buses that Reduce Pollution, Save Money, and Protect Children’s Health
Latest funding opportunity under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda builds on nearly $3 billion already invested into clean school buses nationwide
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Makes $965M Available to Fund Clean School Buses that Reduce Pollution, Save Money, and Protect Children’s Health
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La Administración Biden-Harris crea el Cuerpo Nacional de Justicia Ambiental Climática
La nueva asociación entre la EPA y AmeriCorps anunciada durante la Semana del Clima en la Ciudad de Nueva York ampliará las vías hacia las carreras de justicia ambiental como parte del Cuerpo Estadounidense del Clima del presidente Biden
EPA News Release: La Administración Biden-Harris crea el Cuerpo Nacional de Justicia Ambiental Climática
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Biden-Harris Administration Launches Nationwide Environmental Justice Climate Corps
New partnership between EPA and AmeriCorps announced during Climate Week NYC will expand pathways into environmental justice careers as part of President Biden’s American Climate Corps
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Launches Nationwide Environmental Justice Climate Corps
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EPA Awards Nearly $500,000 to Student Teams to Develop Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Nearly $500,000 to Student Teams to Develop Environmental Technologies
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EPA and SEMARNAT Reaffirm Shared Commitment to Improving Public Health and the Environment Along the U.S.-Mexico Border
EPA News Release: EPA and SEMARNAT Reaffirm Shared Commitment to Improving Public Health and the Environment Along the U.S.-Mexico Border
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EPA Awards $1M in Research Funding to Implement Drinking Water Treatment for Manganese in Small Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $1M in Research Funding to Implement Drinking Water Treatment for Manganese in Small Communities
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EPA Finalizes Policy for Meaningful Engagement and Public Participation in Agency Decision-Making Processes
Updated policy helps ensure that EPA staff are meaningfully engaging with the American public on environmental and public health issues
EPA News Release: EPA Finalizes Policy for Meaningful Engagement and Public Participation in Agency Decision-Making Processes
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $300M in Grants to Tribal Nations and a U.S. Territory to Cut Climate Pollution and Accelerate Clean Energy Transition
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, EPA announces 34 selected Tribal and territorial applications through the competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $300M in Grants to Tribal Nations and a U.S. Territory to Cut Climate Pollution and Accelerate Clean Energy Transition
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EPA Awards $15 Million for Research on PFAS Exposure and Reduction in Agriculture
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $15 Million for Research on PFAS Exposure and Reduction in Agriculture
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EPA Awards Nearly $1.5 Million to Clarkson University to Develop and Demonstrate Technology to Detect and Degrade PFAS
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Nearly $1.5 Million to Clarkson University to Develop and Demonstrate Technology to Detect and Degrade PFAS
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EPA Awards $9M in Research Grants to Address Knowledge Gaps in Antimicrobial Resistance
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $9M in Research Grants to Address Knowledge Gaps in Antimicrobial Resistance
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EPA Awards $27B in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Grants to Accelerate Clean Energy Solutions, Combat the Climate Crisis, and Save Families Money
On the 2-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, award recipients can now begin accessing funds to mobilize financing for thousands of climate and clean energy projects
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $27B in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Grants to Accelerate Clean Energy Solutions, Combat the Climate Crisis, and Save Families Money
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바이든-해리스 행정부, 환경 기후 정의 지역사회 변화 보조금으로 3억 2,500만 달러 이상 발표
EPA, 바이든 대통령의 미국 투자 의제가 전달한 사상 최대 단일 환경 정의 투자인 20억 달러 규모의 인플레이션 감축 법안(IRA) 프로그램에서 초기 선정 발표
EPA News Release: 바이든-해리스 행정부, 환경 기후 정의 지역사회 변화 보조금으로 3억 2,500만 달러 이상 발표
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