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Displaying 1 - 15 of 46 results
EPA Announces $280K in Environmental Education Funding for Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri Organizations
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $280K in Environmental Education Funding for Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri Organizations
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EPA Settles Claims that Arizona Company Violated Clean Air Act in the Navajo Nation
EPA News Release: EPA Settles Claims that Arizona Company Violated Clean Air Act in the Navajo Nation
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EPA resolves Clean Water Act violations with Enumclaw company for $63,984
EPA News Release: EPA resolves Clean Water Act violations with Enumclaw company for $63,984
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EPA Issues Stop Sale Order to Chagrin Valley Soap & Salve in Solon, Ohio
EPA News Release: EPA Issues Stop Sale Order to Chagrin Valley Soap & Salve in Solon, Ohio
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EPA and U.S. Army Announce Joint Sampling Project to Identify PFAS Contamination Near Army Installations
Joint effort to identify PFAS releases near Army installations builds on critical actions EPA is taking to protect public health from harmful “forever chemicals”
EPA News Release: EPA and U.S. Army Announce Joint Sampling Project to Identify PFAS Contamination Near Army Installations
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $100 Million in Seven California Environmental Justice Community Change Grants
EPA announces initial selections for the $2 billion national Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grant program, the largest single environmental justice investment in history, delivered by the Biden-Harris Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $100 Million in Seven California Environmental Justice Community Change Grants
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EPA Reaches $100,000 Settlement with Hyponex Corp. for Alleged Clean Water Act Violations in Shreve, Ohio
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches $100,000 Settlement with Hyponex Corp. for Alleged Clean Water Act Violations in Shreve, Ohio
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EPA Reaches Settlement with CCU Coal and Construction for Alleged Clean Water Act Violations in Bellaire, Ohio
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches Settlement with CCU Coal and Construction for Alleged Clean Water Act Violations in Bellaire, Ohio
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $100 Million for the organization Metroplan to Develop Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution Across Arkansas and Oklahoma
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces selected applications through competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Metroplan will receive $99,999,999 from the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant.
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $49 Million for the City of New Orleans to Develop Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution Across Louisiana
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces selected applications through competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the City of New Orleans will receive $49,975,589 from the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant.
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $47 Million for the City of Austin to Develop Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution Across Texas
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces selected applications through competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the City of Austin will receive $47,854,062 from the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant to implement community-driven solutions.
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EPA Announces $3 Million for Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution Across the Hudson Valley in New York
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $3 Million for Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution Across the Hudson Valley in New York
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EPA Announces Nearly $250 Million Grant to New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to Cut Climate Pollution on I-95
Funding Will Benefit Communities Across Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and New York
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Nearly $250 Million Grant to New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to Cut Climate Pollution on I-95
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $500 Million for Effort to Cut Transportation- and Goods Movement-Related Climate Pollution in Southern California
Funded by Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces Southern California project to decarbonize transportation and goods movement for Climate Pollution Reduction Grant
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $500 Million for Effort to Cut Transportation- and Goods Movement-Related Climate Pollution in Southern California
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EPA Orders the Closure of Seven Cesspools to Protect County of Maui Water
EPA News Release: EPA Orders the Closure of Seven Cesspools to Protect County of Maui Water
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