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Displaying 136 - 150 of 1350 results
EPA Fines Walmart and Hartz Mountain for Violating Federal Pesticide Law in Colby, Kansas
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Walmart and Hartz Mountain for Violating Federal Pesticide Law in Colby, Kansas
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La Región 7 de la EPA ordena a los distribuidores de comestibles de Kansas, Misuri y Nebraska que detengan la venta de productos desinfectantes Fabuloso ilegales
EPA News Release: La Región 7 de la EPA ordena a los distribuidores de comestibles de Kansas, Misuri y Nebraska que detengan la venta de productos desinfectantes Fabuloso ilegales
- Release Date:
EPA Region 7 Orders Grocery Distributors in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska to Stop Sale of Illegal Fabuloso Disinfectant Products
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Orders Grocery Distributors in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska to Stop Sale of Illegal Fabuloso Disinfectant Products
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EPA Orders PHRT to Remove Additional Chemicals from the Refinery on St. Croix
EPA News Release: EPA Orders PHRT to Remove Additional Chemicals from the Refinery on St. Croix
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Administrasyon biden-Harris la anonse 26 milyon dola sibvansyon pou pwoteje timoun kont plon nan dlo potab nan lekòl ak etablisman gadri yo
EPA News Release: Administrasyon biden-Harris la anonse 26 milyon dola sibvansyon pou pwoteje timoun kont plon nan dlo potab nan lekòl ak etablisman gadri yo
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Chính Quyền Biden-Harris Công Bố Khoản Tài Trợ $26 Triệu để Bảo Vệ Trẻ Em Khỏi Chất Chì Trong Nước Uống tại Trường Học và Cơ Sở Chăm Sóc Trẻ Em
EPA News Release: Chính Quyền Biden-Harris Công Bố Khoản Tài Trợ $26 Triệu để Bảo Vệ Trẻ Em Khỏi Chất Chì Trong Nước Uống tại Trường Học và Cơ Sở Chăm Sóc Trẻ Em
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Acuerdo de la EPA con AES exige pago de multas y monitoreo por violaciones a la Ley Federal de Aire Limpio en Guayama, Puerto Rico
La empresa operará monitores de aire y pagará una multa de $3.1 millones
EPA News Release: Acuerdo de la EPA con AES exige pago de multas y monitoreo por violaciones a la Ley Federal de Aire Limpio en Guayama, Puerto Rico
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EPA Settlement with AES Requires More Monitoring and Payment of Penalty for Clean Air Act Violations in Guayama, Puerto Rico
Company Will Operate Monitors and Pay $3.1 Million Penalty
EPA News Release: EPA Settlement with AES Requires More Monitoring and Payment of Penalty for Clean Air Act Violations in Guayama, Puerto Rico
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EPA orders Connecticut winter sports park to correct alleged violation of the Clean Air Act
Powder Ridge Mountain Park, LLC's noncompliance related to its use of anhydrous ammonia in an ice-making unit on its slopes
EPA News Release: EPA orders Connecticut winter sports park to correct alleged violation of the Clean Air Act
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EPA Protects Maui & Hawai‘i Water by Ordering Closure of Five Cesspools
EPA News Release: EPA Protects Maui & Hawai‘i Water by Ordering Closure of Five Cesspools
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Gebbers Farms pays $17,000 penalty for failing to protect workers from pesticides
EPA News Release: Gebbers Farms pays $17,000 penalty for failing to protect workers from pesticides
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EPA cites Denver building owner for not following lead-safe renovation requirements
VareCo to pay $125K, settling alleged violations at multi-unit rentals
EPA News Release: EPA cites Denver building owner for not following lead-safe renovation requirements
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EPA Region 7 and City of St. Joseph, Missouri, Agree on Settlement for HPI Products Inc. Property
Agreement sets the stage for further cleanup and redevelopment at a property
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 and City of St. Joseph, Missouri, Agree on Settlement for HPI Products Inc. Property
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Teck Alaska pays $429K penalty for hazardous waste violations at Red Dog Mine
EPA's settlement with Teck Alaska, Incorporated, for hazardous waste violations at Red Dog Mine near Kotzebue, Alaska.
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EPA Announces New Round of Flyovers to Look for Emissions in the Permian Basin
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is conducting another round of helicopter flyovers to survey oil and gas facilities in the Permian Basin region.
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