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Displaying 1 - 15 of 53 results
EPA Announces Partnership with Paul Quinn College Through MOU Signing
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Paul Quinn College (PQC) located in Dallas, Texas, have agreed to enter a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
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EPA penalizes Idaho property owner $88,000 for asbestos violations
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Idaho property owner $88,000 for asbestos violations
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EPA Fines Grocery Outlet $392,000 for Sale of Products Claiming to Be “Sterilizing” But Not Tested or Registered
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Grocery Outlet $392,000 for Sale of Products Claiming to Be “Sterilizing” But Not Tested or Registered
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Tadano Group to Pay $40 Million to Settle Clean Air Act Violations After Selling Noncompliant Diesel Engines
Group will also help mitigate harmful air emissions by contributing $3.2 million for a new, cleaner tugboat for the Port of Port Arthur, Texas
EPA News Release: Tadano Group to Pay $40 Million to Settle Clean Air Act Violations After Selling Noncompliant Diesel Engines
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EPA New England Awards $4M to State of Rhode Island and the Providence Metropolitan Area for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
Rhode Island will receive $3 million and the Providence metropolitan area will receive $1 million made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA New England Awards $4M to State of Rhode Island and the Providence Metropolitan Area for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
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EPA New England Awards $6M to State of Connecticut and Three Metropolitan Areas for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
Connecticut will receive $3 million and Bridgeport, Hartford, and New Haven metropolitan areas will each receive up to $1 million made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA New England Awards $6M to State of Connecticut and Three Metropolitan Areas for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
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EPA New England Awards $3M to State of New Hampshire for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
New Hampshire will receive $3 million made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA New England Awards $3M to State of New Hampshire for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
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EPA New England Awards Nearly $5M to State of Massachusetts and Two Metropolitan Areas for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
Massachusetts will receive nearly $3 million and Boston and Worcester metropolitan areas will each receive $1 million made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA New England Awards Nearly $5M to State of Massachusetts and Two Metropolitan Areas for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
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EPA New England Awards Nearly $3M to State of Maine for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
Maine will receive nearly $3 million made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA New England Awards Nearly $3M to State of Maine for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
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EPA New England Awards $3M to State of Vermont for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
Vermont will receive $3 million made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA New England Awards $3M to State of Vermont for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
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EPA penalizes Yakima companies $194,000 for violating federal rules aimed at preventing accidental chemical releases
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Yakima companies $194,000 for violating federal rules aimed at preventing accidental chemical releases
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EPA awards Portland State University over $640,000 for research
EPA News Release: EPA awards Portland State University over $640,000 for research
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EPA Region 7 Presents $500K Check to City of St. Louis, Missouri, After Selection for Brownfields Grant
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Presents $500K Check to City of St. Louis, Missouri, After Selection for Brownfields Grant
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EPA Cracks Down on Companies in California, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington State for Selling Illegal Auto Parts that Avoid Pollution Controls
EPA News Release: EPA Cracks Down on Companies in California, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington State for Selling Illegal Auto Parts that Avoid Pollution Controls
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Idaho Diesel Parts Companies and Owner Plead Guilty to Selling and Installing Illegal Defeat Devices and Agree to Pay $1 Million
EPA News Release: Idaho Diesel Parts Companies and Owner Plead Guilty to Selling and Installing Illegal Defeat Devices and Agree to Pay $1 Million
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