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Displaying 1951 - 1965 of 2219 results
U.S. EPA settles with Modesto’s Mercer Foods for producing and distributing unregistered pesticide ingredient, violating federal law
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA settles with Modesto’s Mercer Foods for producing and distributing unregistered pesticide ingredient, violating federal law
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U.S. EPA orders San Diego company to stop selling unregistered product with unsubstantiated anti-coronavirus claims
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA orders San Diego company to stop selling unregistered product with unsubstantiated anti-coronavirus claims
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EPA Action Ensures that West Springfield, Mass. Industrial Laundry Will Reduce Air Emissions
EPA News Release: EPA Action Ensures that West Springfield, Mass. Industrial Laundry Will Reduce Air Emissions
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EPA issues summary of recent Safe Drinking Water Act orders to protect public health in Wyoming and Region 8 Indian Country
Seven Administrative Orders issued to water systems since April 2020
EPA News Release: EPA issues summary of recent Safe Drinking Water Act orders to protect public health in Wyoming and Region 8 Indian Country
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EPA Region 8 actions protect public from coronavirus and other pathogens
17 Advisory Letters and 14 Notice of Refusal of Admission Orders issued to companies selling and importing mislabeled and unregistered pesticide products
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 actions protect public from coronavirus and other pathogens
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EPA Supports States in Addressing PFAS Across the Southeast
Through technical assistance, grants and enforcement, EPA Region 4 assists states, tribes and local communities respond to PFAS challenges
EPA News Release: EPA Supports States in Addressing PFAS Across the Southeast
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EPA and Utah DEQ establish procedures and policies for administration of State's self-audit law
EPA News Release: EPA and Utah DEQ establish procedures and policies for administration of State's self-audit law
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U.S. EPA settles with Pacific Seafood for wastewater violations in Eureka, California
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA settles with Pacific Seafood for wastewater violations in Eureka, California
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EPA Initiative Continues to Improve Safety of Ammonia Refrigeration Facilities in New England
EPA News Release: EPA Initiative Continues to Improve Safety of Ammonia Refrigeration Facilities in New England
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U.S. EPA settles with Irvine, Calif., manufacturer for selling illegal “defeat device” pollution-control bypass equipment
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA settles with Irvine, Calif., manufacturer for selling illegal “defeat device” pollution-control bypass equipment
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EPA fines Hawai‘i local and state governments, requires three cesspool closures in effort to protect groundwater
EPA News Release: EPA fines Hawai‘i local and state governments, requires three cesspool closures in effort to protect groundwater
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Pacific Energy to pay civil penalty for violations of the Clean Water Act at the American Samoa Terminal
EPA News Release: Pacific Energy to pay civil penalty for violations of the Clean Water Act at the American Samoa Terminal
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North Smithfield, R.I. Facility to Reduce Harmful Air Pollution Under Settlement with EPA
EPA News Release: North Smithfield, R.I. Facility to Reduce Harmful Air Pollution Under Settlement with EPA
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EPA Reaches Settlement with Property Manager for Alleged Lead-Based Paint Violations in Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches Settlement with Property Manager for Alleged Lead-Based Paint Violations in Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri
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Proposed Settlement Reached for Soil, Sediment and Groundwater Cleanup at Wells G&H Superfund Site in Woburn, Mass.
EPA News Release: Proposed Settlement Reached for Soil, Sediment and Groundwater Cleanup at Wells G&H Superfund Site in Woburn, Mass.
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