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Displaying 346 - 360 of 2218 results
EPA Announces a Settlement Amount of $173,000 with the Louisiana Organization International-Matex Terminals LLC
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has entered into a Consent Agreement and Final Order (CAFO) with International-Matex Tank Terminals LLC (IMTT).
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EPA Issues Order to City of Marietta, Ohio, to Resolve Clean Water Act Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Issues Order to City of Marietta, Ohio, to Resolve Clean Water Act Violations
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OMG Partners of Turlock, Calif. Penalized $140,000 for Fuel Spill that Reached San Francisco Bay
EPA News Release: OMG Partners of Turlock, Calif. Penalized $140,000 for Fuel Spill that Reached San Francisco Bay
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EPA and Justice Department Announce $241.5M Settlement with Marathon Oil to Reduce Climate- and Health-Harming Emissions in North Dakota
Settlement includes largest ever Clean Air Act stationary source penalty and will result in over 2.3 million tons worth of pollution reduction
EPA News Release: EPA and Justice Department Announce $241.5M Settlement with Marathon Oil to Reduce Climate- and Health-Harming Emissions in North Dakota
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EPA and Justice Department announce $241.5M settlement with Marathon Oil to reduce climate- and health-harming emissions in North Dakota
Settlement includes largest ever Clean Air Act stationary source penalty and will result in over 2.3M tons worth of pollution reduction
EPA News Release: EPA and Justice Department announce $241.5M settlement with Marathon Oil to reduce climate- and health-harming emissions in North Dakota
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EPA Announces $14 Million WIFIA Loan to Develop Drought Solutions in California
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $14 Million WIFIA Loan to Develop Drought Solutions in California
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Cunningham and HNRC in Bomont, West Virginia, to pay $764,274 for alleged State and Federal violations
Agreement ensures proper management of harmful well pad emissions
EPA News Release: Cunningham and HNRC in Bomont, West Virginia, to pay $764,274 for alleged State and Federal violations
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Clearwater Paper to pay over $367,000 for failing to properly report extremely hazardous chlorine releases
EPA News Release: Clearwater Paper to pay over $367,000 for failing to properly report extremely hazardous chlorine releases
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EPA hands down penalties to Rhode Island corporation for FIFRA violations
North Kingstown, R.I.-based business will settle alleged violations for misbranded pesticide devices
EPA News Release: EPA hands down penalties to Rhode Island corporation for FIFRA violations
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Multi-agency settlement resolves Clean Air Act violations at Meeker Gas Plant
Agreement reflects federal and state partnership to reduce air pollution at Colorado facility
EPA News Release: Multi-agency settlement resolves Clean Air Act violations at Meeker Gas Plant
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EPA Announces Partnership with City of Warren, Ohio, to Accelerate Replacement of Local Lead Water Pipes and Protect Public Health Through Investing in America Agenda
Thanks to President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Warren is joining communities across the country that are accelerating replacement of lead service lines
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Partnership with City of Warren, Ohio, to Accelerate Replacement of Local Lead Water Pipes and Protect Public Health Through Investing in America Agenda
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Federal, state inspections indicate Suncor refinery violated air quality regulations
EPA News Release: Federal, state inspections indicate Suncor refinery violated air quality regulations
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EPA and NMED Inspections Identify Widespread Emissions at Oil and Gas Facilities in the Permian Basin Area
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 and the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) recently posted the reports for 124 facilities the two agencies inspected in the New Mexico Permian Basin area in April.
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EPA Fines Two Oahu Nurseries over Federal Worker Protection Standard Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Two Oahu Nurseries over Federal Worker Protection Standard Violations
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La EPA y el Ministerio de Justicia demandan a vaquerías del Bajo Valle de Yakima por prácticas de abono que ponen en peligro a usuarios de pozos cercanos
La Agencia insta a los miembros de las comunidades de la zona a que sometan sus pozos a pruebas
EPA News Release: La EPA y el Ministerio de Justicia demandan a vaquerías del Bajo Valle de Yakima por prácticas de abono que ponen en peligro a usuarios de pozos cercanos
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