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Displaying 526 - 540 of 2218 results
Biden-Harris Administration Announces $20 Billion in Grants to Mobilize Private Capital and Deliver Clean Energy and Climate Solutions to Communities Across America
EPA announces eight selections under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund’s National Clean Investment Fund and Clean Communities Investment Accelerator through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $20 Billion in Grants to Mobilize Private Capital and Deliver Clean Energy and Climate Solutions to Communities Across America
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EPA Reaches $120,000 Settlement with DeKalb Forge Co. in Illinois for Alleged Violations of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches $120,000 Settlement with DeKalb Forge Co. in Illinois for Alleged Violations of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act
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EPA Fines Southern California Auto Parts Companies for Defeat Devices, Harming Air Quality
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Southern California Auto Parts Companies for Defeat Devices, Harming Air Quality
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EPA Addresses Pollution Violations Involving Hawaii Wastewater Treatment Plants, Sewer Lines
EPA News Release: EPA Addresses Pollution Violations Involving Hawaii Wastewater Treatment Plants, Sewer Lines
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EPA announces $194M to King County to improve wastewater infrastructure resiliency, protect Puget Sound
EPA News Release: EPA announces $194M to King County to improve wastewater infrastructure resiliency, protect Puget Sound
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EPA Fines Scrap Metal Facility in Kansas City, Kansas, for Alleged Clean Water Act Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Scrap Metal Facility in Kansas City, Kansas, for Alleged Clean Water Act Violations
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EPA starts lead inspection sweep in the greater Manchester New Hampshire area to prevent childhood lead poisoning
Homes built before 1978 are very likely to contain lead paint
EPA News Release: EPA starts lead inspection sweep in the greater Manchester New Hampshire area to prevent childhood lead poisoning
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EPA Approves Plan to Mitigate Snake River Damage in Northern Nebraska
EPA News Release: EPA Approves Plan to Mitigate Snake River Damage in Northern Nebraska
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EPA announces $12M to protect salmon by reducing toxic tire dust, other pollutants in stormwater
EPA News Release: EPA announces $12M to protect salmon by reducing toxic tire dust, other pollutants in stormwater
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EPA enforcement action leads to settlement with school bus transportation company for alleged Clean Air Act violations
EPA News Release: EPA enforcement action leads to settlement with school bus transportation company for alleged Clean Air Act violations
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EPA report provides toxic chemical release information for your state or Tribe
Updated 10-year report shows decreases in chemical releases nationally and regionally
EPA News Release: EPA report provides toxic chemical release information for your state or Tribe
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EPA reaches settlement with Resonac America for illegal import of super climate pollutant at Port of Los Angeles
EPA continues to advance climate enforcement initiative with another HFC enforcement case
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlement with Resonac America for illegal import of super climate pollutant at Port of Los Angeles
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EPA finds lead-based paint at Putnam, Conn. apartment complex may present imminent and substantial endangerment to tenants
Agency takes action against property owner to address lead-based paint hazards and protect children and families
EPA News Release: EPA finds lead-based paint at Putnam, Conn. apartment complex may present imminent and substantial endangerment to tenants
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EPA Orders City of Los Angeles to Implement Improvements to Hyperion Wastewater Treatment Plant
Largest Western U.S. Plant spilled 12.5 million gallons of untreated sewage in July 2021.
EPA News Release: EPA Orders City of Los Angeles to Implement Improvements to Hyperion Wastewater Treatment Plant
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EPA Requires Arkansas Midland Railroad Company to Pay $910K for Alleged Hazardous Waste Violations
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently finalized a settlement with the Arkansas Midland Railroad Company over alleged hazardous waste violations at a private rail track in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
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