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Displaying 631 - 645 of 2094 results
EPA Region 7 Presents $500K Check to City of Clinton, Iowa, After Selection for Brownfields Grant
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Presents $500K Check to City of Clinton, Iowa, After Selection for Brownfields Grant
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EPA Region 7 Presents $2M Check to East Central Intergovernmental Association in Iowa After Selection for Brownfields Grants
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Presents $2M Check to East Central Intergovernmental Association in Iowa After Selection for Brownfields Grants
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EPA Region 7 Presents $2M Check to City of Keokuk, Iowa, After Selection for Brownfields Grant
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Presents $2M Check to City of Keokuk, Iowa, After Selection for Brownfields Grant
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EPA Region 7 Presents $700K Check to Marion-Ralls Regional Port Authority in Missouri After Selection for Brownfields Grant
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Presents $700K Check to Marion-Ralls Regional Port Authority in Missouri After Selection for Brownfields Grant
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EPA, Rep. Troy Carter Announce Grant for La. DEQ Air Monitoring Project in St. James Parish
Today, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a grant funded through the American Rescue Plan and Inflation Reduction Act to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ).
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EPA and Congressional officials encourage grant applications for zero emission school buses
EPA News Release: EPA and Congressional officials encourage grant applications for zero emission school buses
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EPA Regional Administrator Meg McCollister Launches EPA Region 7 Brownfields Investing in America Tour to Missouri and Iowa
Four-day trip in June will celebrate nearly $6M in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to communities and coalitions
EPA News Release: EPA Regional Administrator Meg McCollister Launches EPA Region 7 Brownfields Investing in America Tour to Missouri and Iowa
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EPA Awards Tetra Tech $65 Million Contract to Support Cleanups of Navajo Abandoned Uranium Mines
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Tetra Tech $65 Million Contract to Support Cleanups of Navajo Abandoned Uranium Mines
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EPA to award over $800,000 in grants to support water quality monitoring at Pacific Northwest and Alaska beaches to protect public health
EPA News Release: EPA to award over $800,000 in grants to support water quality monitoring at Pacific Northwest and Alaska beaches to protect public health
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EPA and State/Local Officials Celebrate Award of 14 Zero-Emission School Buses in New Bedford and New $400 Million Clean School Bus Opportunity
Latest funding from the President's Investing in America Agenda follows nearly $1 billion for thousands of electric and low-emission school buses across the nation
EPA News Release: EPA and State/Local Officials Celebrate Award of 14 Zero-Emission School Buses in New Bedford and New $400 Million Clean School Bus Opportunity
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $13.7M for Cleanup and Assessment at Polluted Brownfields Sites in Massachusetts
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden's Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $13.7M for Cleanup and Assessment at Polluted Brownfields Sites in Massachusetts
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $16.2M for Cleanup and Assessment at Polluted Brownfields Sites in Maine
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden's Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $16.2M for Cleanup and Assessment at Polluted Brownfields Sites in Maine
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EPA to Award Over $10 Million in Grants to Support Water Quality Monitoring at Beaches to Protect Public Health
EPA Region 5 States and Tribes to receive nearly $1.6 million
EPA News Release: EPA to Award Over $10 Million in Grants to Support Water Quality Monitoring at Beaches to Protect Public Health
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EPA selects Idaho project for $500,000 in brownfields funding
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA selects Idaho project for $500,000 in brownfields funding
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EPA selects Idaho project for $500,000 in brownfields funding
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA selects Idaho project for $500,000 in brownfields funding
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