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Displaying 196 - 210 of 1924 results
EPA to Award a Half Million Dollars to South Bronx Organization to Combat Impacts of Climate Change
EPA News Release: EPA to Award a Half Million Dollars to South Bronx Organization to Combat Impacts of Climate Change
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EPA, DOE Announce $850 Million to Reduce Methane Pollution from the Oil and Gas Sector
Funding from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda builds on nearly 100 cross-government actions that are sharply reducing methane pollution in support of clean air, good jobs and climate action
EPA News Release: EPA, DOE Announce $850 Million to Reduce Methane Pollution from the Oil and Gas Sector
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EPA Makes a Splash with Award of $258,000 to New Jersey to Support Water Quality Monitoring at Beaches to Protect Public Health
EPA News Release: EPA Makes a Splash with Award of $258,000 to New Jersey to Support Water Quality Monitoring at Beaches to Protect Public Health
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La EPA causa sensación con una adjudicación de $319,000 a Puerto Rico para apoyar el monitoreo de la calidad del agua en las playas a fin de proteger la salud pública
EPA News Release: La EPA causa sensación con una adjudicación de $319,000 a Puerto Rico para apoyar el monitoreo de la calidad del agua en las playas a fin de proteger la salud pública
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EPA Makes a Splash with Award of $319,000 to Puerto Rico to Support Water Quality Monitoring at Beaches to Protect Public Health
EPA News Release: EPA Makes a Splash with Award of $319,000 to Puerto Rico to Support Water Quality Monitoring at Beaches to Protect Public Health
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EPA announces new funding for North Carolina to protect children from lead in drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA announces new funding for North Carolina to protect children from lead in drinking water
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TOMORROW: Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff and EPA Region Four Acting Administrator Jeaneanne Gettle in Durham to Highlight New Funding and Actions to Protect Children from Lead in Drinking Water
Acting EPA Region Four Administrator Jeaneanne Gettle will represent EPA in Durham for a press conference, lead pipe inventory site tour and announcement of new grant funding to protect children from lead in drinking water
EPA News Release: TOMORROW: Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff and EPA Region Four Acting Administrator Jeaneanne Gettle in Durham to Highlight New Funding and Actions to Protect Children from Lead in Drinking Water
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EPA Awards $500,000 to Palmetto Futures to Support Promoting Readiness and Enhancing Proficiency to Advance Reporting and Data Program
EPA also seeks applications for second round funding opportunity for up to $2 million total over three years
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $500,000 to Palmetto Futures to Support Promoting Readiness and Enhancing Proficiency to Advance Reporting and Data Program
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TOMORROW: EPA Administrator Regan to Join Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff in Durham, North Carolina to Highlight New Funding and Actions to Protect Children from Lead in Drinking Water
Administrator and Second Gentleman joined by Rep. Valerie Foushee and other leaders to tour a lead pipe inventory site and announce new grant funding to protect children from lead in drinking water
EPA News Release: TOMORROW: EPA Administrator Regan to Join Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff in Durham, North Carolina to Highlight New Funding and Actions to Protect Children from Lead in Drinking Water
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EPA Awards $1.5 million to Support Promoting Readiness and Enhancing Proficiency to Advance Reporting and Data Program
EPA also seeks applications for second round funding opportunity for up to $2 million total over three years
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $1.5 million to Support Promoting Readiness and Enhancing Proficiency to Advance Reporting and Data Program
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EPA to award $210,000 in grants to support Rhode Island water quality monitoring and protect the health of beachgoers
EPA News Release: EPA to award $210,000 in grants to support Rhode Island water quality monitoring and protect the health of beachgoers
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EPA to award $194,000 in grants to support New Hampshire water quality monitoring and protect the health of beachgoers
EPA News Release: EPA to award $194,000 in grants to support New Hampshire water quality monitoring and protect the health of beachgoers
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EPA awards $730k to support water quality monitoring and protect beachgoers in PNW, Alaska
EPA News Release: EPA awards $730k to support water quality monitoring and protect beachgoers in PNW, Alaska
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EPA to award $254,000 in grants to support Massachusetts water quality monitoring and protect the health of beachgoers
EPA News Release: EPA to award $254,000 in grants to support Massachusetts water quality monitoring and protect the health of beachgoers
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EPA to award $206,000 in grants to support Connecticut water quality monitoring and protect the health of beachgoers
EPA News Release: EPA to award $206,000 in grants to support Connecticut water quality monitoring and protect the health of beachgoers
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