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Displaying 1 - 15 of 32 results
EPA, HUD and HHS announce interagency commitments to more robust collaboration on addressing risks of exposures to lead
Agreements solidify agencies’ dedication to a whole of government approach to preventing lead poisoning
EPA News Release: EPA, HUD and HHS announce interagency commitments to more robust collaboration on addressing risks of exposures to lead
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EPA Region 7 Announces $180K Funding Opportunity for Regional Source Reduction Assistance
Pollution prevention projects eligible for funding
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Announces $180K Funding Opportunity for Regional Source Reduction Assistance
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EPA hosts “roadshow” in San Bernadino to help communities access historic Investing in America funding
EPA’s Community, Equity & Resiliency Initiative stops in California to support residents’ ability to obtain unprecedented Inflation Reduction Act resources
EPA News Release: EPA hosts “roadshow” in San Bernadino to help communities access historic Investing in America funding
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Biden-Harris Administration expands EPA program to bring wastewater sanitation services to 150 more underserved communities across Rural America, including the San Carlos Apache Tribe in Arizona
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration expands EPA program to bring wastewater sanitation services to 150 more underserved communities across Rural America, including the San Carlos Apache Tribe in Arizona
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EPA to Host Turner Station Community Meeting to Share Information on Efforts to Improve Sparrows Point and Bear Creek
February 6 Meeting in Dundalk will highlight Bear Creek cleanup plan and EPA community efforts.
EPA News Release: EPA to Host Turner Station Community Meeting to Share Information on Efforts to Improve Sparrows Point and Bear Creek
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EPA announces inaugural Artist-in-Residence Program in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts in New York and New Jersey
Arts and cultural strategies will support ongoing progress in treasured water bodies across New York and New Jersey
EPA News Release: EPA announces inaugural Artist-in-Residence Program in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts in New York and New Jersey
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EPA announces inaugural Artist-in-Residence Program in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts
Arts and cultural strategies will support ongoing progress in treasured water bodies across America
EPA News Release: EPA announces inaugural Artist-in-Residence Program in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts
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La EPA anuncia el primer Programa de Artistas en Residencia en asociación con el Fondo Nacional para las Artes en Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: La EPA anuncia el primer Programa de Artistas en Residencia en asociación con el Fondo Nacional para las Artes en Puerto Rico
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EPA announces inaugural Artist-in-Residence Program in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts in Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: EPA announces inaugural Artist-in-Residence Program in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts in Puerto Rico
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EPA to Award Over $2.23M for Clean Diesel Projects in Iowa, Kansas and Missouri
EPA News Release: EPA to Award Over $2.23M for Clean Diesel Projects in Iowa, Kansas and Missouri
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Port of Providence Selected for EPA Community-Scale Air Toxics Monitoring Grant
EPA News Release: Port of Providence Selected for EPA Community-Scale Air Toxics Monitoring Grant
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Iowa Department of Natural Resources Selected for Nearly $350,000 EPA Pollution Prevention Grant
EPA News Release: Iowa Department of Natural Resources Selected for Nearly $350,000 EPA Pollution Prevention Grant
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EPA selects University of Illinois to receive $323,928 in Pollution Prevention funding
EPA News Release: EPA selects University of Illinois to receive $323,928 in Pollution Prevention funding
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EPA’s GreenChill Program Celebrates Smart Refrigerant Management Across the Supermarket Industry Winners in EPA Region 2
EPA News Release: EPA’s GreenChill Program Celebrates Smart Refrigerant Management Across the Supermarket Industry Winners in EPA Region 2
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Missouri State University Selected for $45,710 EPA Pollution Prevention Grant
EPA News Release: Missouri State University Selected for $45,710 EPA Pollution Prevention Grant
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